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"过来,坐到我的膝上来。"。Come and sit on my lap.

一只小鸟在她腿上拉屎。A bird poops in her lap.

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它正好落在我的怀里。It fell spang into my lap.

苏哈低头看自己的膝盖。Suha looked down at her lap.

羔羊的大腿是跛的。The lamb was lame in its lap.

一片枯叶飘落到苏比的膝头。A dead leaf fell in Soapy's lap.

她让被子枕在自己大腿上。She pillowed his head in her lap.

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毛边应该向下折叠进去。The rough edges should lap under.

并且,双方僵持,各不相让。Both sides stalemate, and his lap.

哈利斯在最后一圈跑到了最前面。Harris went on top in the last lap.

这杂志里尽是插页!This magazine is full of lap flaps!

他的头枕在玛丽的大腿上。His head was pillowed on Mary's lap.

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小黑在我之前一圈进了。Hamilton went in one lap before I did.

跑完最后一圈后,他几乎筋疲力竭。Running that last lap nearly did him in.

然后我轻轻地把他的头抱在我腿上。I then gently cradled his head in my lap.

她让被子枕在自己大腿上。The mother pillowed the child on her lap.

她双膝上抱着一个拉格弟?安布娃娃。She carried a Raggedy Ann doll on her lap.

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她让婴儿的头部枕在自己大腿上。She cushioned the baby 's head in her lap.

她在跑最后一圈时仍然劲头很足。She is still going strong on the last lap.

船长将小毛放在皇后的膝上。The captain put Mouser on the queen's lap.