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慈菇泵服务。Arrowhead Pump Service.

箭镞过去用来作为猎食的武器。The arrowhead was used as a weapon to hunt food.

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这个角度形象化地表达了箭头的含义。This perspective reflects the image of an Arrowhead.

石器包括锛、镞、砺石等。Stone implements included adze, arrowhead and grinder.

合果芋的叶型会随著植株的年老而变化。The leaf shapes of Arrowhead vine will change by its age.

护林员像研究一个箭头或者矛尖一样研究着它。The ranger inspected it as he might an arrowhead or spear point.

拖到绘图页上,然后拖动黄色菱形可以调整箭头或箭尾。Drag onto the page, then drag yellow diamonds to adjust arrowhead or tail.

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我想去,但是从拉古纳到箭头湖需要两小时的车程。I wanted to go, but it was a two-hour drive from Laguna to Lake Arrowhead.

我确实想去,只是从拉古纳到箭头湖得两个小时的车程。I wanted to go , but it was a two-hour drive from Laguna to Lake Arrowhead.

箭镞呈三棱流线型,有倒刺,利于穿透。The triangular arrowhead takes a streamline shape, with barbs for piercing.

红色小箭头指示受试着的视觉噪声处理能力。The small red arrowhead shew us the subject's visual noise processing ability.

所以在6-3中箭头是指向人的,这就意味着老师是依赖人这个类的。Since in 6-3, the arrowhead points at Person. That means Teacher depends Person.

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箭头隧道被设计用来增加水供给,也是为最坏情况作好准备。The Arrowhead Tunnels are designed to boost supply and also to prepare for the worst.

盘口右下角的红白绿箭头个代表什么意思?Dish is the mouth right the red white green arrowhead of next horn what meaning to represent?

茨菰这种植物虽然能够食用,但在北方很少见到有人吃。Although the vegetable named arrowhead can be eaten few people from the north actually eat it.

在一个暗淡无月的夜晚,让木星成为你的向导引领你去往我们称为“摩羯海羊”的天之箭头。On a dark, moonless night, let Jupiter be your guide to this celestial arrowhead that we call !

他们对他的胸腔周围进行了仔细的检查,试图靠近箭头及其周围的骨组织。They had rummaged around his thorax, trying to get close to the arrowhead and the tissue around it.

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他说他对土著民族的兴趣始于孩童时代发现的一枚古代石制箭镞。He says his interest in native people began in his boyhood when he found an ancient stone arrowhead.

她不知不觉地双手合一,构成箭头的形状,恳求宽宥。She found herself pressing the palms of her hands together, in an arrowhead , as she begged for grace.

以慈姑淀粉为原料,采用酸解-微波法制备抗性淀粉。Resistant starch was prepared by acid hydrolysis-microwave method using arrowhead starch as raw material.