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虫子来播种。The bug plats seeds.

这是一个已知的缺陷。This is a known bug.

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不要激努你的老板。Do not bug your boss.

幽门螺杆菌是非常棘手的。H. pylori is a tricky bug.

因此我们需要关注下。bug So be worried about it.

好的,这里有一个缺陷。All right, so there's a bug.

那么,我们如何修正这个错误呢?So, how can we fix this bug?

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这就像只虫子或者类似的东西。It's like a bug or something.

要打就要趁虫靠近的时候。Strike while the bug is close.

我们帮不了你,因此,你停止烦扰而走开吧。We can't help you ,so bug off.

因此我知道bug不在上面了。So I know the bug is not above.

这里连只虫子都找不到。You can't even find a bug here.

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虫子睡在一个花生壳里。The bug sleeps in a peanut shell.

我每次看到虫子都会吓得发疯。I freaky out every time I see a bug.

清除掉像虫子一样的消极思想。Squash negative thoughts like a bug.

也许我也会在梦里见到这只兔八哥。We may dreamed about this bug bonny.

制作玫瑰糖贴胶错误。Make a rose bug with sugar gum paste.

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点击小虫子或者箭头来继续阅读。Click the bug or the arrow to read on.

修正了一个在古拉姆的防守状态。Fixed a bug in Ghulam's defense stats.

疯牛病病毒的潜伏期为三年。The BSE bug incubates for three years.