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我爱玉兰花。I love magnolia.

柔和的玫瑰及木兰花味道。Soft scents of rose & magnolia.

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朝饮木兰之坠露兮。From magnolia I drink the dew, oh!

密西西比州被称为“木兰之州”。Mississippi is the Magnolia State.

独上兰舟。And get on the magnolia boat alone.

多么漂亮的紫玉兰呀!What a beautiful purple magnolia you!

这么美丽生动的玉兰花!A vivid and beautiful magnolia flower!

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她住在洛杉矶玉兰街421号。She lives at 421 Magnolia St. , Los Angeles.

你使用任何第三方玉兰模块?Are you using any 3rd-party magnolia modules?

唧唧唧唧,木兰对着门在织布。Chirp chirp, magnolia facing the door weaving.

何教授去木兰家深受感染。Professor he to magnolia house was infectious.

玉兰树并没有读过罗兰·巴特。The magnolia trees hadn’t read Roland Barthes.

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玉兰也几步移过来。Magnolia also several steps migrate to come over.

玉兰的花瓣在风儿的吹拂下,也纷纷地落下。Magnolia petals in Feng ER-Wind, they have to fall.

木兰树其实是我母亲的挚爱。Magnolia trees, you see, were my mother's favorite.

玉兰花也只留下光秃秃的枝干在那里苦撑。Magnolia leaving only bare branches where the bullet.

玉兰树高大而挺拔,树上长满枝丫。Magnolia trees tall and upright, tree covered Zhi Ya.

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白玉兰是凉爽,湿润的气候条件下的理想选择。The Yulan magnolia is ideal for cool, moist climates.

“白玉兰戏剧奖”是怎样产生的?。How did the Shanghai Magnolia Drama Award get started?

其巨大的立柱为月桂和木兰花所环绕。Its huge columns were wreathed with laurel and magnolia.