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地板上的雪开始滑跑了。The snow on the ground began to slither away.

蛇爸爸和蛇儿子滑动出去过一个美好的下午。Afather and son snakeare out fora nice afternoon slither.

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木乃伊的手臂上纹有蜘蛛和蛇的图案。Tattoos of spiders and snakes slither along the mummy's arms.

她弯曲她的肌肉,手臂上的蛇随着肌肉而动了起来。She flexed the muscles in her arm which made the snake slither.

多数情况下,响尾蛇会爬开,去寻找不这么吓人的猎物。More often than not, the rattlesnake will slither away in search of a less intimidating foe.

他能从沙发上滑下来,捡起豌豆,并且能激动地指着任何能吸引他那明亮的蓝眼球的东西。He can slither down from a sofa, pick up peas and point wildly at anything that catches his bright blue eyes.

对于长有触须、颇具才干的怪物来说,爬上陆地建造自己的“星际帝国”恐怕才是更好的选择。Far better for the talented, tentacled monsters to slither onto land before building their interplanetary empire.

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每天,我还能连跑带滑地穿过楼层到达手提电脑旁,滴着口水想着我感兴趣的钱。I can still manage to slither across the floor to my laptop every day to dribble out my interesting thoughts for money.

当我穿过自助餐厅的入口时,我第一次真切地感受到了一阵恐惧的刺痛滑过我的脊柱,落到我的胃里。As I crossed the threshold of the cafeteria, I felt the first true tingle of fear slither down my spine and settle in my stomach.

伸长的、蜿蜒的躯体可以使得陆生蛇类在浓密的草丛间滑动,也能使水生蛇类在水里游动自如。The elongated, serpentine body that allows land snakes to slither through dense grass also serves aquatic snakes in propelling through water.

瑞典手球运动员马格努斯-威士兰德在1999年被评选为世纪最佳手球运动员。Nicknamed "The Hose" because of his ability to slither through the defense, Magnus Wislander was voted World Handball Player of the Century in 1999.

比如说,地面机器人,被设计为能爬上爬下瓦砾堆以及进入人类难以进入的裂缝搜寻幸存者。There are ground-based robots, for example, designed to climb up and down piles of rubble and slither into otherwise inaccessible cracks to look for survivors.

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除此以外,如果一条毒蛇在开始三十秒内没有咬他,那么他知道其实这条蛇的性情很温和,然后他会把这条蛇拿到手里把玩,然后像系领带一样把蛇绕到自己的脖子上。Besides, if a poisonous snake didn't bite him in the first 30 seconds, he knew it was a softie that would settle in his hands and slither round his neck like a tie.

第二天早上他醒来的时候,发现房门下面正中央有个弧形的小缺口,刚好够一条蛇溜进来。When he awoke the next morning, he noticed that the bottom of his bedroom door was arched up in the center, leaving just enough space for a snake to slither through.

是有一些过时的家伙爱听长篇歌剧,但真正的舞台在更加灵活的可以在热蜡上游走的东西上,而现在更有超流体液滴--MP3和音乐样品。There are some anachronisms who love their long-form opera, but the realaction is in the more fluid stuff that can slither around on hotwax —and now the superfluid droplets of MP3s and samples.