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谢谢观看我的广告。Thanks for viewing my advert.

但他的老板并未注意到。But his boss would not advert.

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瑞士航空公司大麦的巨大庄稼广告Swissair Barley's Gigant Crop Advert

他为一则洗发露广告编了一首歌。He wrote a jingle for a shampoo advert.

回报我们上放置了一个小的广告,页面。In return we place a small advert on the pages.

大多数的时间花费在制作这个广告上。Most of the time was spent in making the advert.

微软向波兰的用户展示了一幅被修改过的广告图片。Microsoft's doctored advert was shown to users in Poland

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所以,正如一个流行的百威广告中那群明星所问的那样,“准备好了吗?”So, as the stars of one popular Bud advert might ask, “Wassup?”

我赞扬了出色和令人兴奋的书的编辑和作者。I advert the editors and authors for an superior and elating book.

仿若来到了费列罗巧克力的广告拍摄场景。I felt like visiting the film setting of the Ferroro Roche advert.

我在中国笔友网上看到了你的广告,爱上了你的照片。I saw your advert on penpals China and fell in love with your pic.

他们会走进来,并说,他们希望以发布分类广告。They would walk in, and say they want to post a classifieds advert.

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QandANJ实现了这件事,在它们做了一个成功的MTV广告之后。QandANJ did this when they reached capacity after a successful MTV advert.

朝鲜电视台最近播放了一段大同江啤酒的广告。North Korean television recently broadcast an advert for Taedong River Beer.

我看到这里有黑啤酒的广告。我听说过。这是爱尔兰啤酒。Ah, I see there's an advert for Guinness. I've heard of that. It's an Irish beer.

我的广告张贴在Gumtree和Craigslist上,两个免费的在线社区。I posted my advert on the websites Gumtree and Craigslist, two free online communities.

康拉德后来现身于美国运通公司的广告中。Conrad later appeared in an American Express advert of famous Americans nobody recognised.

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专家表示,该计划有望打破传统的“一刀切”式的广告播放模式。Experts said the plans would likely end of the traditional " one size fits all " advert break.

我们剪辑了一段日本广告的视频让您在视觉上感受这份深恶痛绝。For your viewing pleasure we have included a video clip of a Japanese advert for this abomination.

而福特的发言人称,这个广告的目标是指向年轻人,希望营造一种幽默效果。A spokeswoman for Ford said that the advert was aimed at young men and was intended to be humorous.