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什么是强直性脊柱炎?What is rigidity sex rachitis?

坚硬是一种僵尸的表现。Rigidity is a sign of rigor mortis.

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他痛感她的观点僵化。He deplored the rigidity of her views.

这种合金材料的刚度极大。This kind of alloy has great rigidity.

跨喥,栅板刚性乜鎈。Span, grid plate rigidity is also poor.

该梁具有常数弯曲刚度。The beam has a constant flexural rigidity.

强直性脊柱炎现在能不能完全治育?Can rigidity sex rachitis treat Yo completely now?

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强直性脊柱炎最佳治疗方法是什么?Is rigidity sex rachitis optimal what is remedial method?

在青年时候,他的刚直还近于狂妄。At youth time, his rigidity was really extremely arrogant.

中心轴拥有一个完整的锥拔,以达到最大的硬度。The central shaft has integral taper for maximum rigidity.

原肌球蛋白增加细丝的结构刚性。Tropomyosin adds structural rigidity to the thin filament.

原肌球蛋白增加细丝的结构刚性。Tropomyosin adds structural rigidity to the thin filament.

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使我高兴的是其中底是有扭力的坚硬。I was very pleased with the torsional rigidity of the midsole.

造成颈后肌群和韧带的紧张及僵硬。Neck muscles and ligaments caused by the tension and rigidity.

傅雷的性格,最突出的是他的刚直。The most outstanding characteristics of Fu Lei is his rigidity.

轴采用双燕尾硬轨结构,刚性强,稳定性好。Y-axis dual dovetail hard trdck structure, rigidity and stability.

各强度满足要求,硬度超标。It proves that it's strengths meet need, the rigidity is superhard.

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强直性脊柱炎有什么好的治疗方法啊?。The remedial method with good what does rigidity sex rachitis have?

如出现腹胀和腹部强直,就通知医生。The physician should be informed of abdominal distention and rigidity.

预拱度的设置可以提高结构的刚度。In addition, the set of girder camber could increase structure's rigidity.