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一个正在用餐的痲疯病人。A leper who was eating a meal.

它就像是麻风病人的身体。It is like the body of a leper.

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然而麻风病人也一句话都没有回答他。But the leper answered him not a word.

他因观点郴受级迎而见弃于社会。His unpopular views him a social leper.

让所有的人都远躲我,如我是一个肉体腐烂的麻疯病人。Like a leper rotting in flesh, let all avoid me.

在福音中的痲疯病患持有不同的态度。The leper in our gospel had a different attitude.

你难道不能救一个善良的犹太麻风病人吗?Couldn't you take a nice Jewish leper to heal Elisha?

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基哈西从以利沙面前出去,就患了?疯,像雪那样白。And he went out from his presence a leper as white as snow.

在此我们看见人救主同情患麻疯的人。Here we see that the Man-Savior sympathized with the leper.

一旦他们不想要了,他们会像赶麻风病人一样扫你走。But as soon as they don't, they'll cast you out like a leper.

耶稣在伯大尼长大麻疯的西门家里Now when Jesus was in Bethany, in the house of Simon the leper

当那孤单的痲疯病人看见耶稣走近时,他或许也是这样怀疑。Per¬haps that's how the lonely leper felt as he saw Jesus com¬ing.

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黑色的大海渐渐逼近了,白色的飞沫如麻风病人般哀叹着。The black sea came nearer, and the white foam moaned like a leper.

当这个长大痲疯的人走到他们当中,耶稣周围的群众四处分散。The crowd around Jesus scattered as the leper charged into their midst.

耶稣在伯大尼长大麻疯的西门家里While Jesus was in Bethany in the home of a man known as Simon the Leper

让癞病人来到跟前,既没有逃跑,也没有把那人赶开。He let the leper come up to Him, He did not run away or drive the leper away.

为了这天,他领导着麻风侏儒们继续与穴居人战斗着。To this day he rules over the leper gnomes and continues fighting the troggs.

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旅馆和食物,而我像一个坐卧不宁的麻风病人一样走来走去。Hotels and food, and I'm walking about like a leper with crabs gnawing at my entrails.

我们必须信赖主,正如12-16节讲他治愈麻风病人所向我们展现的。We must rely upon him to cleanse us as the healing of the leper in verses 12-16 shows us.

比丘们,曾经就在此王舍城内,苏巴菩达乃一富有的放贷人之子。Once, monks, in this very Rajagaha, Suppabuddha the leper was the son of a rich money-lender.