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在塞尔玛的那一天我非常高兴。I loved that day in Selma.

塞尔玛舅妈和默里舅舅跟在后头。Aunt Selma and Uncle Murray paced.

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塞尔玛正懒懒散散、挑精剔肥地吃着清蒸鱼。Selma was picking idly at her steamed fish.

在塞尔玛的游行中“,感谢您的补充。during the march in Selma" So thank you so much for that.

我叫霍华。胡,二十七岁,与我妻子萨玛住在广州。I'm 27 years old and I live in Guangzhou with my wife Selma.

1965年,发生在塞尔玛的游行唤醒了整个国家的良知。In 1965, the Selma march galvanized the conscience of the nation.

然而塞尔玛事件和投票权法案标志着民主斗争取得了阶段性的胜利,从而引发一个新的开端。But Selma and the Voting Rights Act marked an end as well as a beginning.

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塞尔玛阿谢尔站在地球仪旁,贴身的蓝裙子衬托出一条大腿的美妙轮廓。Selma Ascher stood at the globe, outlining a delicious thigh under the slim blue skirt.

塞尔玛是个勤奋好学的姑娘,她对蒂妮和莉娜那样轻浮的姑娘是不大能容忍的。Selma was a studious girl, who had not much tolerance for giddy things like Tiny and Lena.

在塞尔马或辛辛那提发生的是关系到每个美国人的合法问题。What happens in Selma or in Cincinnati is a matter of legitimate concern to every American.

如果可以的话,他想吃了饭就走,让斯鲁特和塞尔玛留下叙叙旧。He would eat and run, if that was all right, leaving Slote and Selma to chat about old times.

在塞尔马所发生的是一个长远而伟大的运动的一部分,这个运动影响了每个区域和美国政府。What happened in Selma is part of a far larger movement which reaches into every section and State of America.

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血腥星期日指发生在1965年美国的一起民众从塞尔玛游行至阿拉马周蒙哥马利郡发生的暴力冲突。Bloody Sunday refers to a violent attack during the first of the Selma to Montgomery marches in Alabama, United States in 1965.

不管您是在不雅物还是最新大片里发现更好的人选,他们都会立刻拿您和布拉德·皮特或塞尔玛·海耶克做比较。It doesn’t matter if you see a better option in porn or in the most recent blockbuster, they’ll compare you to Brad Pitt or Selma Hayek in a heartbeat.

仅仅在塞尔玛事件发生的两个月之前,金博士刚获得了诺贝尔和平奖,而在之前不到一年,民权法案刚获得通过。The events in Selma unfolded a mere two months after King had received the Nobel Peace Prize and less than a year after the passage of the Civil Rights Act.

一堆用粉色包装纸包装好的礼物堆在一张桌子上,前来参加派对的明星包括了黛米·摩尔,好莱坞最红明星造型师瑞秋·佐伊,妮可·里奇,以及同为准妈妈的塞尔玛·布莱尔。A pile of enormous pink gift-wrapped presents were laid out on a table while around 30 guests, including Demi Moore, Rachel Zoe, Nicole Richie and fellow mother-to-be Selma Blair.