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等一下你们用预制好的大学经历来让我留下?So you guys used a prefab college experience to get me to stay?

可以将材质,预设,贴图直接拽入场景视图即时预览.Live previews of material, prefab and texture drags into the scene view.

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他们从长崎把预装好的单元运过来,然后就在这边组装好。They brought in prefab units from Nagasaki, and slapped them together here.

预制型住宅室内装修就是一种能改变住宅室内装修现状的装修形式。The prefab interior fitment of residence is a good way to solve the problem.

所有这一切都是在预制定义的并且可以快速在编辑器修改。All of this is defined in the Prefab and can be quickly created in the Editor.

它们被叫做“流动房屋”——在一个地方被建好,可以被转移到另外一个地方的房子。They're called "prefab housing" — built at one location and transported to another.

萨摩豪斯建筑是完美的度假居住点,甚至也适合定居。The Sommerhaus Piu prefab is perfect for vacation homes or even full-time residences.

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可以修改被实例化的预置物体,不需要改变实例化代码。You can change the Prefab being instanced without changing the code that instantiates it.

不太显而易见的好处移动和预制房屋,他们是环保。A less obvious benefit to mobile and prefab homes is that they're environmentally friendly.

使用预制盖膜,机械手吸、放盖,准确、快捷、卫生可靠。Use prefab cover , suck and put cover automatically, more exact, fast, healthful and reliable.

这个例子说明使用预制的优势,针对使用代码创建物体。This explanation will illustrate the advantages of using a Prefab vs creating objects from code.

在预制世界有供应数百厨房每月的大制造商。In the prefab world there are large manufacturers who are supplying hundreds of kitchens a month.

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你应该使用预制体的原因是改变一个预制体,所有的实例都改变了。The reason why you should use prefabs is that when a prefab change, all the instances change too.

今天我要给大家介绍的是,怎么把香料预制成香料盐和香料油。What I should give everybody introduction today is, how flavor prefab into flavor salt and flavor oil.

这栋组合式住房是当代的伟大设计,节约能耗。The prefab home features a great contemporary design and all the best strategies for energy efficiency.

他计划在湖南省修建的预制装配式高层建筑“天空之城”将达到202层,高度为838米。His proposed high-rise prefab in Hunan Province called Sky City will soar 202 stories to a height of 838 meters.

你需要创建一个角色资源的实例赋予给布娃娃,这个实例需要可以被保存为可重用的Prefab。You will make an instance of the character asset into a ragdoll, which can then be saved as a Prefab for re-use.

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该建筑由一个内部核心预制嵌板系统墙体组成,控制气候和噪音问题。The construction consists of an inner core of a prefab panel system wall taking care of climate and noise issues.

使用上一节描述的方法创建一个预置,你也可以在这里阅读更多有关预置的细节。Use the method described in the last section to create a Prefab. You can also read more details about Prefabs here.

从账面上来看,中国人向印度出口的产品包括化肥、汽车、家具、预制板房和人造长丝纤维等。On paper, Chinese exports to India include fertilizers, vehicles, furniture, prefab buildings and manmade filaments.