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基金调配费用免费,每年转调基金次数不限。Switch charge Free and unlimited switch per annum.

该代理机构每年为4,000名年轻人安排工作。The agency places about 4,000 young persons per annum.

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为什么2011年听起来还仿佛是科幻小说中的年份一样呢?But why does 2011 still sound like an annum out of science fiction?

您在这上面每年就得花销九千法郎。I congratulate you. You have there a rent of nine thousand francs per annum.

在一九九二至九六年间,香港与东盟地区国家的贸易额,每年平均增加百分之二十一。Our trade with ASEAN nations rose by an average of 21 per cent per annum from 1992 to 1996.

同时把每年每万人口的,发明专利拥有量,提高到三点三件。It is also targeting the registration of 3.3 patents per annum for each 10,000 head of population.

目前,该公司的无碳复写纸和热敏纸的年产量大概是12万吨。At the moment the company's total capacity for carbonless copy paper and thermal paper is approx. 120,000 tons per annum.

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换句话说,更大型的涡轮机可能直径要更大一点点,然而,每年的发电量却是以前的两倍。In other words, a larger turbine could have a marginally larger diameter, yet produce twice as much electricity per annum.

此外,只要多开放一条生产线就能增加每年40艘的产量。Additionally, the opening of just one additional production line could increase the boat production capacity by 40 boats per annum.

第9条中华邮政公司办理邮政储金之利率,应以年率为准,并于营业场所揭示。Article 9 Interest rates for postal savings offered by Chunghwa Post shall be calculated per annum and posted in post office branches.

根据专家预测,未来几年上海市可售型写字楼的需求面积将超过每年40万平方米。According to expert forecasts, the next few years Shanghai will be the demand for office space-40 million square metres per annum over.

一邮政储金利率未依第九条规定以年率为准或未于营业场所揭示。The interest rate for postal savings is not set per annum or the rate is not posted in its business outlets in accordance with Article 9 hereof.

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从2011年起公司对PET塑料的处理能力达到每年100,000吨,工厂分布于柔佛州和雪兰莪州。Since 2011 The Company will handle and process 100,000 MT of PET plastic per annum with three factories locate in Johor state and Selangor state.

近年来,黑龙江省每年暖甜菜收购量约占甜菜总收购量的80%以上。In recent years the quantity of fresh sugarbeet storage has reached 80 percent of the total output of sugarbeet per annum in Heilongjiang province.

该公司比较独特,它拥有年产300吨有机颜料的工艺车间,且有质控试验室。This unit has unique state of the art technology plant with capacity of 300 MT per annum of Organic Pigments as well as well equipped Quality Control Lab.

近年来,全国各级人民法院审结的各类民事案件的数量以每年百分之十几的幅度递增。In recent years, people's courts at all levels concluded the number of various types of civil cases in order to increase the rate more than ten per cent per annum.

在2005年,印度尼西亚已成为世界第三大二氧化碳排放国,仅次于美国和中国,每年二氧化碳排放量约达22亿吨。In 2005 Indonesia was already the world’s third-largest CO2 emitter, after the United States and China, with emissions around 2.2 gigatons, or billion tons, CO2 per annum.

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出口和财产作出贡献6-8个百分点,达到国内生产总值增长率每年的最后一个周期,现在贡献负数额类似幅度。Exports and property were contributing 6-8 percentage points to GDP growth rate per annum in the last cycle and are now contributing a negative amount of similar magnitude.

这是一个在线的借贷平台,个人投资者和储蓄者可以把他们的钱放到我们这里来,我们负责向中小企业放贷,年利率大概在4到5个百分点。It is an online lending platform where individual investors or savers could put their money into the funds we manage to lend mainly to SMEs, and gain 4-5 percent per annum.

莱曼医疗保健本周继续表现出增长前景强劲的势头,公司宣布将每年新建单元房或床位的数量由450上调至550。Ryman Healthcare continued to demonstrate its strong growth outlook this week, with news that it is lifting its build rate of new units or bed spaces from 450 to 550 per annum.