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作家、编辑或者校对员吗?Are you a writer, editor, or proofreader?

校对员对这个词的拼写有疑问。The proofreader queried the spelling of the word.

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因此,雷具备一个理想编辑的素质——也包括编审和校对。Thus, Ray was the ideal editor—as well as copy editor and proofreader.

你应该去拜访他们,如果你正在寻找一种招生校对。You should visit them if you are looking for a admissions proofreader.

你应该去拜访他们,如果你在寻找论文校对。You should visit them if you are looking for a dissertation proofreader.

事实上,他目前是一个印刷工厂的校对,多年来没有训练过一个跑步者。In fact, he was now a proofreader at a printing plant and hadn't trained a runner in years.

她只不过是文案编写员,较对程序包括生产经理,也是校对者。She was the copywriter, but the proofing process we had in place involved the product manager as well as a proofreader.

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企业信息通信专业主要研究企业的组织功能,业务通讯编辑和校对。This program generally teaches students to function in an organization as a composer. editor and proofreader of business or business-related communications.

作为书刊编辑、校对人员就要顺应因环境交化而带来的工作交化,首先做到心态的适应,其次做好能力的准备。The editor or proofreader of a journal should suit the changes of work from changes of the circumstances, adapt his psychology and get prepared of his capability.

所有的校对人员都没有发现这个错误,但是五年后,一名编辑注意到这个词没有词源,然后他开始溯源并最终将这个词从词典中去除。No proofreader caught the error, but five years later an editor noticed the word had no etymology and began the investigation that led to the word's being banished.

为了发现稿件中的印刷错误,校对员必须与其说注意所读材料的含义,倒不如说注意文章中字母和单词的确切形状和顺序。In order to detect the misprints in a single print, the proofreader has to notice not so much the meaning of what he reads as the exact shape and order of letters and words in the text.

简历中的任何语法、拼写错误或者留白处参差不齐都会给雇主留下糟糕的印象,说不定随时都有可能被扔进垃圾桶!Two sets of eyes are better than one--your proofreader may catch mistakes that you missed, but an employer won't miss. Resumes with grammar mistakes, misspellings or uneven margins often get tossed.