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第二天,挪威人也到了卑尔根。The next day, the Norwegian made it to Bergen.

奥拉德尔是美国新泽西州卑尔根县中的小镇。Oradell is a borough in Bergen County, New Jersey, United States.

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好的。你一定要坐F线地铁去卑尔根市街看看。Ok. You definitely should go to take the F train to Bergen Street.

一个挪威卡车司机运一车厢企鹅到卑尔根的水族馆。A Norwegian lorry driver was transporting a load of penguins to the aquarium in Bergen.

博根是“新美国基金会”国家安全研究项目部主任。Bergen is the director of the national-security-studies program at the New America Foundation.

Bergen清楚的阐明,她是政府行动中最令人误解的一个人。Bergen makes it clear that she was at best misleading about the actions of the administration.

挪威国家当代舞蹈团由挪威政府,霍达兰郡和卑尔根市资助。Carte Blanche is funded by the Norwegian state , the County of Hordaland and the City of Bergen.

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Bergen2001年在探索双方误算以及误解方面已经做到最好了。Bergen is at his best in exploring the miscalculations and misunderstandings of both sides in 2001.

但是Bergen也观察到,恐怖主义的头领对西方文化一点也不感兴趣。But, Bergen also observes, the terrorist leader never showed much interest in the ways of Western culture.

然而,在的荷兰南部的港口贝亨奥普佐姆的一个集体墓穴中发现一种不同的菌种。However, a different strain was found in a mass grave in Bergen op Zoom, a port in the southern Netherlands.

DeMeo是由哈佛大学布里格姆妇女医院和挪威的卑尔根大学组成的科研小组的主要创始人。She is the lead author of a study by a team from Harvard's Brigham and Women's Hospital and the University of Bergen in Norway.

而且接下来一年,Bergen报道,基地组织可能已经牵涉在索马里摩加迪休的黑鹰降落战争中。And the year after that, Bergen reports, Al Qaeda may have been involved in the “Black Hawk Down” battles in Mogadishu, Somalia.

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到1898年,这一航线已扩展到南边的波根,北至北极圈腹地的科科恩斯。By 1898, the route had been lengthened to start at Bergen in the south, extending northward to Kirkenes, far above the Arctic Circle.

作为美国最大的药品销售商之一,美源伯根公司显然是一般药品市场蓬勃发展的受益者。As one of the nation's largest drug distributors, Amerisource Bergen has been an obvious beneficiary of the booming generics business.

这是一个手工制作的隧道入口,来自挪威的卑尔根建筑学院的学生建立了一个浴缸来浸泡松木。For a handcrafted tunnel entry, students from Norway's Bergen School of Architecture built a bathtub to soak hundreds of pine off-cuts.

这次为期四昼夜的航行使你有机会欣赏到设得兰群岛的自然美景和卑尔根美妙的挪威风光。This four-night cruise gives you the opportunity to see the wild beauty of the shetland islands and the wonderful norwegian scenery in bergen.

那以后我来过华东师大多次,也有一些来自上海的学者在卑尔根与我和我的同事见面。Since then I have returned to East China Normal University several times, and some scholars from Shanghai have visited me and my colleagues in Bergen.

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这本书有时会放慢速度,尤其当Bergen做笔记本倾倒时,他带领我们看到从各种各样参与者的现场访谈。The book sometimes slows, especially when Bergen does what reporters call a notebook dump and walks us through his on-scene interviews with various participants.

她的许多朋友和家人在大屠杀期间遇难,但幸存下来的疯狂在多个纳粹集中营,包括奥斯威辛和贝尔根贝尔森可怕年工作。Many of her friends and family perished during the Holocaust, but Mania survived those horrific years working in multiple Nazi camps, including Auschwitz and Bergen Belsen.

反恐专家彼得•卑尔根和保罗•克鲁克香克的详细研究发现,入侵伊拉克和在伊拉克使用酷刑,造成全球圣战者数量增长了7倍。The detailed studies by terrorism experts Peter Bergen and Paul Cruickshank have found that the invasion of Iraq, and the torture used there, caused a seven-fold increase in jihadism globally.