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我在湖北省地方戏曲剧院工作。I am working in a drama showplace.

新主人把那幢旧房子装修得富丽堂皇。The new owner transformed the old house into a showplace.

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我会把曼得里变成整个英格兰最棒的地方。I'll make it the most famous showplace in England if you like.

到国家大剧院了,话剧厅真是外瑞外瑞顾德!I arrive in National Great Showplace. The drama hall is very very good!

国际电池公司洁净崭新的展示厅是以前的设备维修车间。International Battery’s pristine new showplace was previously an appliance repair shop.

西雅图中心是一个文化机构的展示区和吸引人的办公大楼。The Seattle center is a showplace of culture institutions and striking office buildings.

然而,岩财务展示也可能被证明是太小,国际查看。However, Rock Financial Showplace might also prove to be too small for the international show.

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在清楚的玻璃,结霜或者在细木家具的颜色可能做厨房看起来象使目炫名胜地。Glass in clear, frosted, or color in cabinetry can make a kitchen look like a dazzling showplace.

不久那个公园关闭了,变成一个个游乐场,游乐场之间是绿色的草坪。Soon the park was closed, to be renovated into an urban showplace of playgrounds and green space.

国家大剧院的屋面系统包括结构层、防水层和装饰层。The roofing system of National Showplace consists of framework, damp-proof course and layer of decoration.

这就是从夏天开始的工作,大剧院的舞美基地有着巨大的空间,让人可以放开了折腾。We start work in summer. The arena of National Great Showplace has a large space, we can work freely in it.

厨房是经常的展览的家,而它所需的功能,并有各种各样的任务。Kitchen is often the showplace of the home, and yet it is required to function well for a wide variety of tasks.

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有无数美丽的地方等待人们去环顾,无论自然景观还是历史展示区。There are countless beautiful place waiting for the people to look around, no matter landscape and historic showplace.

卸货区设有专业卸货平台,运输车辆可直达每一展厅任一展位,方便快捷。The logistics area features a professional platform which expediently and rapidly services every showroom and showplace.

有一阵子,戴德伍德是一个华丽的维多利亚剧院25,000人,以优良的酒店和餐馆和电力。For a while, Deadwood was a sumptuous Victorian showplace of 25,000 people, with fine hotels and restaurants and electricity.

产品主要适用于大型歌舞演出、电视台演播厅、大型歌舞剧院、夜总会、酒吧、DISCO等娱乐场所。The products mostly used in big song and dance performance, TV station hall , showplace , night club , wine bar, DISCO and other entertainment place.

历史被当作一匹正在播放三维电影的幕布呈现在观众面前,时尚亦被当作巴掌大的秀场供人娱乐。The history is presenting right in front every audience like a screen pulled down showing a 3 D movie. And fashion is no more than a palm-size showplace where people got entertained.