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为什么药分有粒状。液状和粉状呢?。Why medical cent has graininess. Fluid shape and farinaceous ?

在拍摄速度更快或放大程度越高的情况下颗粒状也更明显。Graininess becomes more pronounced with faster film and the degree of enlargement.

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慢慢加入清水,搅拌成无颗粒状的面糊。Decant water in the flour slowly, then, stir it until it becomes pasty without graininess.

获得电影体验无粒状或眼睛,铺在范围上的权利。To get a cinematic experience without graininess or eyestrain , shop in the ranges at right.

上好的巧克力拥有着天鹅绒般丝滑的质感,没有因为提纯不足而有的微粒。A fine chocolate is velvety smooth without the graininess that comes from incomplete refinement.

一岁四个月大的孩子,大便呈灰白色,米粒状,什么原因,如何治疗。A year old of child with 4 big months, defecate shows hoar, rice is graininess , what reason, how to treat.

以试验数据为基础讨论了变压器油中颗粒度对变压器绝缘强度的影响。Based on the test data, the influence of graininess in transformer oil on insulation strength is discussed.

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这可以让你更好的控制跟预防像因为用太多颜料而引起的颗粒状或者笔痕。This gives more control and prevents the graininess or 'tide marks' that can occur when too much paint is used.

使用快速胶片的目的是为了用最快的快门来凝固动作场面,但是,该不该考虑颗粒度呢?That’s because you want to use the fastest possible shutter speed to stop the action. But what about graininess?

随浸锌温度的升高,锌晶粒逐渐长大,并由粒状转变为片状。Zn grains grew gradually and its morphology transformed from graininess to lamellae with the temperature increasing.

共晶组织均匀、细小,存在层片状、鱼骨状及枝状、粒状等多种生长形态。The eutectic structures were uniform and tiny had they had multi- morphology as sheet, fishbone, dendrites and graininess.

使得图象更为清晰,抑制了在低照度下拍摄经常出现得颗粒性和写噪声。As a result, images are clearer, and the graininess and white noise that often appear when shooting in low light are suppressed.

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事实上相片上的颗粒,或者是颗粒过粗的感觉,在当代的胶片上已经被消除了,不管是快速胶片还是慢速胶片。Graininess in photos, or rather the perception of excess grain, has been virtually eliminated from today's films — fast ones and slow ones.

同样的步骤可以用来去掉放大很多倍的照片上的颗粒特性,这在航空摄影侦察中是有价值的。ThE samE procEdurE can bE usEd to rEmovE thE graininEss of highly EnlargEd photographs, which is of valuE E. g. in aErial photo rEconnaissancE.

“我们也想拥有一种能够对图像进行智能化处理以提高对比度和颗粒度的植入装置”,他说道。“We also want to have the implant do some intelligent processing that can help to enhance the contrast and the graininess of the image,” he says.

“我们也想拥有一种能够对图像进行智能化处理以提高对比度和颗粒度的植入装置”,他说道。“We also want to have the implant do some intelligent processing that can help to enhance the contrast and the graininess of the image, ” he says.

“普朗克长度”远远超出了任何可想到的实验范围,因此没有人敢想象时空的微粒态也有可能被观察到。The Planck length is far beyond the reach of any conceivable experiment, so nobody dared dream that the graininess of space-time might be discernable.

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建议使用可与水混合的粒状清洁剂来清洁按摩浴缸,避免使用用于瓷砖或搪瓷表面的清洁剂。The proposal is used but as graininess as water compound cleaner comes cleanness massages bath crock, avoid to use the cleaner that is used at ceramic tile or enamel surface.

实际测试和观测比较表明,所测彩色负片印片颗粒指数数值与其扩印效果相符合,印片颗粒指数方法能够反应彩色负片颗粒性的实用效果。The results give the measuring accuracy and coincidence between the print grain index values and the perceptible graininess on the prints, proving the efficiency of the method.

数码成像时,颗粒状可能会在图片打印时像素分辨率过于粗糙或使用点分辨率过低的打印机时出现。In digital imaging, graininess may occur as a result of printing an image, the pixel resolution of which is too coarse, or as a result of using a printer with poor dot resolution.