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一条路进。One way in.

但这无从得知。No way to tell.

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阿真招呼道。True hello way.

我们面前还有一段很长的路。A long way ahead.

好女十八嫁/要走这样一条路!What a Way to Go!

你的道路是什么?What is your way?

请告诉我往的路。Plas show mth way.

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绳索断了。The rope gave way.

这就是通向财富之路The way to wealth.

哪一条是往东的路?Which way is east?

不行。连点机会都没有。No way. Fat chance.

她们微笑的模样。The way they smile.

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哪条路是往北的?。Which way is north?

哪条路朝南?Which way is south?

启动的路径错了。Wrong way to start.

是的,那曾是我的路。Yes, it was my way.

可是别走远了。But, keepin the way.

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这路子对头。It is the right way.

撒坦说到,“没门。Satan says, "No way.

鼹鼠挖坑道。A mole mines its way.