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Pathfinder正制造两种款式的产品,但正计划其它产品的生产。Pathfinder is making two models but plans others.

保持对象的选定,并打开探路者的调色盘。Keep the object selected and open the Pathfinder Palette.

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打开路径查找器面板,点击”分割“按钮。Bring up the Pathfinder palette and click the Divide button.

甫一着陆,探路者立即展开工作。As soon as the spacecraft landed, the Pathfinder went to work.

今年,该公司还以“领航者”品牌发行了一批股票基金。It has launched a batch of equity funds this year under the Pathfinder brand.

描述国旗、区旗、复临青年团旗、前锋会旗及基督徒旗帜的图案。Describe the national, state or provincial, AY, Pathfinder and Christian flags.

做这方面代码的团队现在每周都在不断的改进着代码。The pathfinding team continues to refine the pathfinder on a week-by-week basis.

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最近,在1997年着陆火星探路者在2004年远征流浪。More recently, in 1997, Mars Pathfinder landed and the Expedition Rovers in 2004.

这笔仍有待于澳大利亚监管部门认可的交易被看作是一次试探。That deal, still to be approved by Australian regulators, is seen here as a pathfinder.

早在70年代的海盗系列计划和1997年的火星探路者号上就已经采取过相同的措施。Similar measurements were taken during Viking missions in the 1970s and by the Mars Pathfinder in 1997.

复制盖子形状,小的条状形状和主体形状,然后在路径查找器调板中点“分割”按钮。Duplicate the cap shape, the small band shape and the main shape, then choose Divide in the Pathfinder Palette.

探路者协会还不定期的开展集体活动。如参观酒店、企业文化游、民俗文化游、等等。Pathfinder also carried out ad hoc group activities, such as tour hotel and corporate's folk culture and so on.

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火星探路者的再入、下降和着陆系统包括一个独立的子系统—可膨胀气囊,用于着陆冲击缓冲。The entry, descent and landing system of the Mars Pathfinder includes a unique subsystem of airbags for impact attenuation.

网格分离链接的存在使寻路实体具有通过某个链接即可实现通过的能力。Theseactions can be annotated using Off-Mesh Links which tell the pathfinder that aroute exists through the specified link.

火星探路者在1996年12月份离开地球,于1997年3月登陆火星,成为到达火星的第一个无人飞行器。The Mars Pathfinder left Earth in December1996 and landed on Mars in July 1997, as the first unmanned mission to thatplanet.

我们特向校团委申请成立探路者协会。望领导批准!We are apply for the establishment of our Association Pathfinder in our school. we hope that the approval of our application.

中国小将伏明霞获世界游泳锦标赛女子10米跳台跳水冠军。Chinese young pathfinder Fu Mingxia wins the diving champion of the Women's 10-meter diving tower at the World Swimming Championships.

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在刚刚登陆火星表面的那几天,火星探路者号的表现可谓无懈可击。The Mars Pathfinder mission was widely proclaimed as "flawless" in the early days after its July 4th, 1997 landing on the Martian surface.

后选择路线和叶形,按下按钮鸿沟,在探路小组,设于底部左边的小组。After selecting the line and the leaf shape, press the Divide button in the Pathfinder Panel, located on the bottom left side of the panel.

超薄探路者观看具有多波段5原子计时,强硬的太阳能发电与测高计,数字罗盘,气压计和温度计。Slim Pathfinder Watch featuring Multi-Band 5 Atomic Timekeeping, Tough Solar Power, Digital Compass with Altimeter, Barometer and Thermometer.