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布赖斯有一把好看的小刀。Brice has a nice knife.

如今,如果你要找莱斯,你不会在摄影机前找到她。If you look for Brice today, you won't find her in front of a camera.

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“爱就像疯狂”的新人李布赖斯是2010年的头号乡村歌曲。"Love Like Crazy" by newcomer Lee Brice was the Number One Country song of 2010.

布利斯说只有中国企业才有资格参与CDM是什么意思,是作为低碳技术和资金的接收者吗?What does Brice mean that only Chinese companies are eligible to use CDM, as recipient of low carbon technology and revenue?

法国内务部长布莱斯·奥尔特弗称,沙特曾警告法国注意基地组织即将发动的一场袭击。Saudi Arabia has warned France it is the target of an imminent al-Qaeda attack, French Interior Minister Brice Hortefeux has said.

关于中国生产的节能灯泡,布利斯有没有具体说明在生产过程中使用了哪种稀有物质?Regarding to the energy saving light bulbs made in China, did Brice say what is the rare material that is used in the production of these bulbs?

布瑞斯。泰勒是苏珊。弗德的化名,她是曾站出来并揭示了其故事的终极MK精神控制的受害者当中最高阶者其中之一。Brice Taylor is the pseudonym for Susan Ford, one of the highest level MK Ultra mind controlled victims to ever come forward and reveal her story.

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法国气候变化谈判大使布利斯•拉兰德在接受王冬莹的采访中谈及了法国刚启动的绿色革命和对中国抗击气候变化努力的看法。Wang Dongying talked to Brice Lalonde, the French climate-change ambassador, and asked him what China can learn from France's new green initiatives.

在酒店准备时期每一个酒店的员工都十分的辛劳,庞博思先生从始至终就用这种热情感染着每个员工。During the preparation of the hotel, every employee worked really hard, influenced by the passion from Mr. Brice Péan, who never overlooks one single detail.

法国内政部长奥尔特弗表示,为应对潜在的恐怖主义威胁,法国计划将"恐怖主义高风险"的国家从7个增加到30个。French Interior Minister Brice Hortefeux said France plans to expand the list of zones at risk from 7 to 30 countries to cope with potential threats of terrorism.

西班牙怀旧电视台的一位名叫布莱斯•迪帕西的记者回忆,马利在西班牙表演过两次,那时他给人们留下了不可磨灭的印象。Marley performed twice in his life in Belgium, but according to Brice DePasse, a Belgian journalist with the Nostalgie television station, he left an indelible mark.

一直以来,庞博思先生把服务视作一种热情,而非仅仅是衡量酒店好坏的指标,他认为每天工作的开始就要带着一股强大的热情。Mr. Brice Péan has always considered service as a kind of passion instead of a criterion to evaluate a hotel. In his opinion, one should start a day's work with passion.

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今年一月接任ABB主席和中国区域总负责人的布赖斯·科赫说,去年对公司的业务和组织发展来说是个很强劲的一年。Last year was a strong year for both the company's business and organizational development, said Brice Koch, who took over as chairman and president of ABB China this January.

上海虹桥元一希尔顿酒店总经理庞博思先生带领员工积极响应希尔顿全球号召,为日本地震遇难者加油!Brice Péan, General Manager of Hilton Shanghai Hongqiao with hotel staff participated in asserting Hilton Worldwide's continuous efforts to care the victims from the Japan earthquake.

这本书的目录表本身会给你一个关于布瑞斯从童年时代到成年时期作为一个被精神控制的奴隶曾与其有瓜葛的举国皆知的名字的令人难以置信的数目。The book's Table of Contents alone will give you an idea of the incredible number of nationally known names that Brice had been involved with from childhood into adulthood as a mind controlled slave.