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男人同样有生物钟。Men have a biological clock too.

找一条狗的亲生父母。A biological birth parent search.

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人类的眼睛是生物学上的奇迹。The human eye is a biological marvel.

优生学具有生物学上的意义。Eugenics has a biological significance.

生物起源地,秀美青海湖!Biological origin, beautiful Qinghai Lake!

要看是否具有生物活性。Depends on whether the biological activity.

又一次生物学上的小失误。Just another closed-end biological mistake.

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这里面也可能有生物学上的原因。There could be biological reasons for this.

我已经学会如何使用生物农药。I’ve learnt how to use biological pesticide.

这个物质中不含生物材料。This stuff contained no biological material.

这个分为生物学年龄和实足年龄。There's biological age and chronological age.

是时候该注意到男性生物钟啦!Time To Wake Up to the Male Biological Clock?

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这些生物学上的问题是非常重要的So these biological things are very important.

意识的生物学基础是什么?What is the biological basis of consciousness?

可用一组间歇式生物反应器。A series of batch biological reactors are used.

我不了解生物和药理方面的细节。I don't know the biological and medical details.

它们在生物可利用力上有不同吗?Are there differences in biological availability?

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剃刀蛤蚌给我们展示了这样一种理想生物模型。Razor clams presented the ideal biological model.

利用生物学进行类比,人就是一个类。In a biological analogy, a human being is a class.

正在等待生物学调查的结果。Results of a biological investigation are awaited.