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在世界里我们安全生活。Thro ' the World we safely go.

老虎乖乖地被关在铁笼子里。The tigers are safely caged in.

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我可以安全地推迟这一决策吗?Can I safely defer this decision?

注意并安全存储它们。Note these and store them safely.

他安全地滑进三垒。He slid safely into the third base.

可以安全地忽略这个警告。This warning can safely be ignored.

我们给飞机导航使它安全降落。We beamed the airplane down safely.

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所有的箱子都用绳子系牢了。All the cases were safely lashed up.

最后,我们终于安全靠岸了。Finally, we arrived safely in Krabi.

别担心,我会把你安全送回家。Don't worry,I'll get you back safely.

作为观测员,他让他们安全地着陆。As the spotter, he landed them safely.

它驾驶轮船安全入港。He guided the ship safely into harbor.

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医生安全地接生下这一对孪生儿。The doctor delivered the twins safely.

“夫人”很安稳地靠坐在长沙发椅上。The Signora rested safely on her couch.

单纯而平凡,浅笑又安然。Simple and ordinary, smile again safely.

手术这一关他总算闯过去了。His critical operation passed off safely.

有垫肩对运动员比较安全些。Shoulder pads are safely for the players.

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孩子们平和地登上了那座岛。The children landed on the island safely.

如果牠抵逹地面,牠可以安全降落。If it reaches the ground, it lands safely.

这样,百姓便能在他的荫庇下安然歇息。The people would rest safely in his shade.