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这个僧院建于1652年。The monastery dates from 1652.

像修道院式的避世主义。Looks like a monastery retreat.

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他们在修道院中发现了一个圣像。They found an icon in the monastery.

但是修德寺并没有期待我的到来,我只是从书上看到这个寺庙,计划明天才到那里。But I'm not expected at the monastery.

我就会找到白云观?Will I find the White Cloud Monastery?

隆务寺是一个反抗据地。Rongwo Monastery was a locus of resistance.

一会儿我们去美岱召看看。In a moment, we'll see the Meidai Monastery.

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这个僧院充满了邪恶和腐息。The Monastery reeks with evil and corruption.

有机会来参访我们的精舍吧!Visit us at the monastery if you get a chance!

我要成为独身者,去加入一个修道院。I will become a celibate, and join a monastery.

有一个僧院戒规森严。There once was a monastery that was very strict.

北岳恒山的悬空寺更是世间罕见。Bukak Monastery of Hengshan is rare in the world.

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那个反对她的寺院僧众感到很害怕。The monastery that had opposed her felt really bad.

一朝拜者围着色拉寺大殿转经。A pilgrim circling the Great Hall of Sera Monastery.

十方丛林中的常住道士如何分工?How does a Taoist monastery organize itself internally?

这是我第一次到中台禅寺。This is my first time trip to Chung Tai Chan Monastery.

到尼日寺时,正好接近中午。It was about noon time when we arrived at Niri Monastery.

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长老遂把自己住持的寺院更名为枣寺。So Master Sugehara named his temple "The Date Monastery".

这一次是在韩国一个古老的禅寺。This time it was an ancient Zen monastery in South Korea.

止贡寺位于陡峭的山上,俯视着我们的营地。Drigung monastery is on a steep hill, overlooking our camp.