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凯特姨妈活泛多了。Aunt Kate was more vivacious.

他喜欢活泼的女孩。He is fond of vivacious girls.

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她是一个天真活泼的女孩。She is an artless, vivacious girl.

她的眼睛非常年轻,炯炯有神。Her eyes had remain young and vivacious.

她活泼开朗、活力四射-引人注目。She's outgoing, vivacious – larger than life.

她是一个天真活泼的女孩。The picture has a vivacious artistic conception.

我们可以描述一个女孩是“lively”或“vivacious”。We may describe a girl as “lively” or as "vivacious."

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可是伊夫十分虚荣,而维维恩充满了青春的活力。But Eve is very vain. Vivienne is vivacious and full of verve.

以下来自于一位24岁的活泼年轻人的口述,反映了这个新趋势。The story told by a vivacious 24-year-old reflects the new trend.

即使在75岁的时候,西尔玛仍然过着快乐充实的生活。Even at the age of 75, Thelma was very vivacious and full of life.

她应该性格活泼,擅长和人交谈。She should have a vivacious personality and be a good conversationalist.

挽着她的手的是脸上带着活泼微笑且有婴儿肥的布哈努。Holding her hand was Bhanu, with a vivacious smile and loads of baby fat.

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那是一朵生机盎然的纯白睡莲,正在用她自己的方式展现她的独特个性。It was a vivacious pure white lotus flower, with her very own personality.

茭白属于禾本科多年生宿根沼泽草本植物。Wild rice stem belongs to herb of marsh of gramineous vivacious perennial root.

那是一个爱吵闹、脸色发青、轻捷、机警、贫嘴、神气灵活而又有病态的孩子。He was a boisterous, pallid, nimble, wide-awake, jeering , lad, with a vivacious but sickly air.

爱丽丝,另一个充满魅力的活泼的年轻人,在16岁时遭受厌食症折磨并入院。Alice, another charming and vivacious teenager, was admitted to the clinic suffering from anorexia at 16.

苦参为豆科多年生落叶亚灌木植物苦参的根。Bitter ginseng is leguminous vivacious fallen leaves inferior the root that bush plant joins painstakingly.

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杂种彩叶草为多年生草本植物,其别名有五彩苏、洋紫苏等。Grass of crossbred color page is vivacious herb, its alias has multicoloured revive, foreign purple perilla.

多年生宿根草本基部有棕褐色枯死的纤维状叶鞘。Vivacious perennial root is herbaceous base the ministry has palm Brown withered dead fiber shape is vaginal.

克丽丝汀是个活泼快乐的少女,她爱耶稣,并且为祂而活。她的猝死给我们留下数不清的疑问。Kristin was one of those vivacious teens who loved Jesus and lived for Him—and whose sudden death leaves us with a million questions.