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其中,IDA提供了167项,IBRD提供了其余的112项。Of those 167 were from IDA while the remaining 112 were from the IBRD.

国际复兴开发银行也帮助提高电力行业绩效、效率和可及性。IBRD also helps improve electricity sector performance, efficiency and access.

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国际复兴开发银行负责中央研究和业务支持的副行长。Vice presidencies in IBRD responsible for the central research and operations support functions.

IBRD收入也支付世行经费,同时还用于IDA和减债工作。IBRD income also pays for World Bank operating expenses and has contributed to IDA and debt relief.

2009年5月,国际复兴开发银行批准了卫生和社保体制改革二期项目。IBRD approved the second-phase Health Transformation and Social Security Reform project in May 2009.

由于国际复兴开发银行的参与,乌拉圭建成了更透明且更负责任的水行业。As a result of IBRD involvement, Uruguay has created a more transparent and accountable water sector.

作为回应,国际复兴开发银行正在制定一项以污水系统和污水处理为核心内容的规划贷款机制。In response, IBRD is preparing a programmatic lending facility centered on sewerage and wastewater treatment.

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新的信息获取政策适用于国际复兴开发银行和国际开发协会,国际金融公司和多边投资担保机构有其自身的信息披露政策。The new Access to Information Policy applies to IBRD and IDA. IFC and MIGA have their own disclosure policies.

1996年,政府决定制定国家城市交通规划,由国际复兴开发银行资金支持。In 1996, the government decided to create the Programa Nacional de Transporte Urbano supported by IBRD financing.

为实现这一目标,国际复兴开发银行和巴西国库局官员同私营部门咨询专家联盟开展了合作。IBRD and Brazilian treasury officials worked with a consortium of private sector consultants to achieve this goal.

这个方法利用捐助机构的资源来降低IBRD的一笔以卫生活动为重点的贷款的成本。This instrument relies on donor resources to lower the cost of an IBRD loan targeted at priority health activities.

IBRD对发展中国家的贷款主要通过在世行金融市场上出售3A级债券筹集。IBRD lending to developing countries is primarily financed by selling AAA-rated bonds in the world's financial markets.

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国际复兴开发银行将继续支持阿根廷努力实现千年发展目标及其本国医疗卫生目标。IBRD continues to support Argentina in its efforts to achieve the Millennium Development Goals and its own national health goals.

世行集团与IBRD借款国合作的新战略包括一系列旨在帮助我们满足他们期望的提案。The Bank Group’s new strategy for engagement with IBRD partners contains a range of proposals designed to help us meet their expectations.

中国政府谋求通过国际复兴开发银行,对新的扶贫措施进行探索,包括增强对剩余贫困人口的针对性。The government enlisted the IBRD to explore new poverty reduc­tion measures, including improved targeting of programs to the remaining poor.

当前,国际复兴开发银行成员国的经验教训正在指导国际开发协会服务的低收入国家扩大有条件现金援助项目规模。Lessons learned in IBRD countries are guiding expansion of CCTs in lower income countries served by the International Development Association.

世界银行制定了与国际复兴开发银行的合作伙伴携手合作的新战略,其中包括许多帮助我们满足这些国家希望的方案。The Bank Group's new strategy for engagement with our IBRD partners contains a range of proposals designed to help us meet their expectations.

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国际复兴开发银行正在支持秘鲁政府对一项关于全国性调研进行分析,该调研调查家长对儿童发育基本标准的理解程度。The IBRD is also supporting the government with analysis of a national survey of parental understanding of basic standards for child development.

国际复兴开发银行将继续提供技术援助,支持有条件现金援助项目和创新活动,以确保项目能最有效地满足各国需求。IBRD will continue to lend and provide technical assistance to support CCT programs and innovations to ensure these programs best meet country needs.

这一长期合作使得世行能够在关键时刻编制简要政策报告,扼要介绍主要行业问题和可能适用的政策方案。At critical junctures, this long-term presence allowed IBRD to produce short policy notes with snapshots of key sector issues and possible policy options.