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单击这个图标。Click on this icon.

下载免费图标库!Free Icon Gallery !

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火图标象形图。Fire icon pictogram.

它是这座城市的标志。It's an icon for the city.

他当时可是一个偶像级人物。He was an icon at that time.

所用的图像是一个下拉图标。The image is a drop-down icon.

什么是收藏的图标集?What are favorited icon packs?

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我的风格图标是安娜卡列尼娜。My style icon is Anna Karenina.

单击此图标即可打开该工具。Click the icon to open the tool.

按钮图标支持混色!Button icon support for blending!

双击“自行运行”的图标。Double click the 'auto-run' icon.

深灰色的信封图标。It has a dark gray envelope icon.

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造水术获得得了一个新的图标。Water making now have a new icon.

在IE工具栏中加入快捷图标。Add short cut icon on IEs toolbar.

单击当前的排序图标。Click on the current sorting icon.

他曾是也会永远是偶像。He was and always will be an icon.

必须已经安装有那个彩色状态栏。Must have Rinku Icon bar installed.

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他们在修道院中发现了一个圣像。They found an icon in the monastery.

但是基本上是慈善机构的一个标志。But basically an icon for the charity.

这是否意味着思域品牌的衰落?Does it mean the fall of a brand icon?