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这个峭壁非常危险。The crag is very dangerous.

他们登上一块又一块的峭壁。They surmount one crag after another.

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他紧握巉岩石用蜷曲的手。He clasps the crag with crooked hands.

这里起了新的名字叫"红岩魂广场"。The new name of this place? "Red Crag Soul Square.

公司位于唐山市路北区华岩北路68号。Company located at Tangshan Lubei District China crag north road 68.

这个逃犯在一个山上峭壁的岩洞里住了几年。The fugitive lived in a cave in the mountain crag for several years.

珍珠岩矿包括珍珠岩,黑曜岩和松脂岩。The pearl ore includes the pearlite, shines black the crag and the pitchstone.

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随后,一股红岩热在很长时间里席卷了新中国。In the years that followed, a long-lasting Red Crag fever swept all of New China.

随着季节的更替,我从一个国家到另一个国家,从海滩到高山,从峭壁到峡谷。I moved with the seasons from state to state, coast to mountains, crag to couloir.

谁料,酒后的石峰鼾声如雷,振耳欲天,倒让老婆无法入睡。During the rocky crag thunder after snoring, vibration to day, pour ear cannot sleep.

热心的的参观者们排着长队来这里寻找红岩英雄们的踪迹。Passionate visitors came in an endless stream to look for traces of the Red Crag heroes.

有一天,山羊在高高的石山崖上吃草,一只饿狼恰好从下边经过。A goat was feeding one day high on a rocky crag when a hungry wolf happened to pass below.

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也许,那永恒的晨光就会这样降临人间,那时不再有危岩深壑。So, perhaps, shall break upon us that eternal morning, when crag and chasm shall be no More.

他拚命摆脱阴暗的想法,终于他胜利地登上了最高的悬崖。Groping his way franticly through the gathering gloom, he emerged victorious on the topmost crag.

石峰一边全身心的投入到厂里的出产,一边适机寻觅着和老婆平缓关系的时机。Rocky crag side make a commitment to the factory produced, while seeking and wife optimal machine the timing.

这本书基本上是些通俗故事,收录了小说红岩的相关历史人物的轶事。It is essentially a popular edition of story-telling, with anecdotes of historical figures related to the novel Red Crag.

银条在北面秘窖,可顺着东边圆丘的斜坡,在黑岩石以南十寻处找到。The bar silver is in the north cache, you can find it by the trend of the east hummock, ten fathoms south of the black crag with the face on it.

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江南大峡谷民俗风景区位于江南大峡谷旅游区的白岩村、坑古村。The Chiangnan Grand Canyon folk custom scenic spot is located the Chiangnan Grand Canyon tourist area's white crag village, the even pit ancient village.

后墙与岩间有八条铁链相连,每逢游人云集,铁索即伸展,绷如弓弦,故有吊庙、活楼之称。Its back wall and the crag are connected with eight shackles, that will extend, stretching like the bowstring, so it has got the name of Hanging Temple and flexible building.

涉及工程地质、水文地质、岩体力学、矿山压力、流体力学、岩体水力学等多门学科的理论和实践。Involves the project geology, the hydrology geology, Rock mechanics, mine pressure, hydromechanics, crag body water subject and so on multi-gates discipline theory and practice.