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如果我有自由处理权,我不会滥用。I'll not abuse it if I am given carte blanche.

简心里很难过,以为他要娶布兰奇?英格兰姆。Jane, miserable, assumes he intends Co marry Blanche Ingram.

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在法国高山中布兰奇谷中回转的缆车。Cable cars swing across the Vallée Blanche in the French Alps.

我不能相信思特里克兰德会爱上了勃朗什。I could not believe that Strickland had fallen in love with Blanche Stroeve.

鱼唇丝解冻后再以姜片出水,可辟除腥味。Shark's Lip defrost completely and blanche with ginger water to remove fishiness.

而包含布兰奇•林肯和汤姆•哈金在内的几人则是一些强硬提议的始作俑者。Several, including Blanche Lincoln and Tom Harkin, were responsible for tough proposals.

挪威国家当代舞蹈团由挪威政府,霍达兰郡和卑尔根市资助。Carte Blanche is funded by the Norwegian state , the County of Hordaland and the City of Bergen.

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她说,‘很多情况下,政府都不顾请求,肆无忌惮地关闭NGO。’‘In many circumstances, the government has carte blanche to shut organizations down without appeal.’

他对压力屈服并于1074年辞官,政治权利更小,没有了尚方宝剑。He bowed to pressures to resign in 1074 with less political power and without imperial carte blanche.

在经济低迷时期,公司似乎有特权限制薪资,开出低的雇佣工资。In down economic times, companies seem to have carte blanche to limit salaries and make low-ball offers.

于是雪儿王后启驾回宫,她兴奋得好几个晚上睡不着觉,那实在是太高兴了。Queen Blanche then set out, and she was so gratified that she passed several nights without sleeping, for joy.

段金发和白斩鸡开着一辆黑色的福特野马开始跑路,一辆窗户紧闭的克莱斯勒300紧追不舍。As Driver and Blanche speed away in a black Ford Mustang, a Chrysler 300 sedan with tinted windows begins its pursuit.

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在罗切斯特于桑菲尔德庄园举行的一个晚会上,贵族味十足的布兰奇及其朋友以傲慢不逊的态度对待简。At a party Rochester gives in Thornfield Manor, the aristocratic Blanche and her friends treat Jane with haughty condescension.

这个住宅名为“布兰奇的小屋”位于Cap-à-l'Aigle——坐落于圣劳伦斯河边的沙勒沃伊风景区的一个古色古香的小镇。The Blanche Chalet is located in Cap-à-l'Aigle, a quaint town in the scenic Charlevoix region that sits along the Saint Lawrence River.

布兰奇就像可怜的唐吉诃德,为了她那个“温柔”而又“温情”的浪漫世界的梦想而绝望地抗争着,这是一出“悲喜剧”。Blanche fighting desperately just like the poor don quixote clings to her dream of a "soft"tenderer" romantic world in this tragicomedy.

在经济低迷时期,公司似乎有特权限制薪资,开出低的雇佣工资。但是事实不应该是这样的。In down economic times, companies seem to have carte blanche to limit salaries and make low-ball offers. But that shouldn't be the case.

在工业文明取代南方种植园经济的趋势下,布兰琪与斯黛勒成为了两性争斗中的弱势群体。When the industrial civilization took place of Old South's plantation, Blanche and Stelle became the fragile between the gender struggles.

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然而她的希望遇到挫折,因为罗切斯特开始去邻里参加聚会,并向漂亮轻浮的布兰奇·英格兰姆献殷勤。But her hopes are thwarted when Rochester begins going to parties in the neighborhood where he is courting the beautiful, frivolous Blanche Ingram.

遇到谈话暂时冷场,或者年轻人的羞怯重又回升占上风的时候,也总是布兰茜为她的舞伴打开僵局。It was Blanche who, when the conversation flagged and the youth's modesty came rushing back and overpowering him, knew how to reanimate her companion.

首先,那些“银行歹徒们”将收到全权委托的紧急救援,本∙伯南克会被重新任命为美国联邦储备局主席。First of all, the "banksters" would be receiving their carte blanche bailouts and Ben Bernanke would have been re-appointed as Chairman of the Federal Reserve.