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红灯停,绿灯行,黄等来了等一等!Redd light stop, green line, yellow etc to wait!

通过这样做,REDD应该可以为缓解和适应气候变化做出贡献。By doing so, REDD should contribute to climate change mitigation and adaptation.

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目前,大部分REDD项目规模较小,且基于传统保护模式。For now, most REDD projects are small-scale and based on traditional conservation.

里得为球队拿到了17分,他带领雄鹿在第四节以18-9得分超过犹他爵士队。Michael Redd scored 17 points for the Bucks, who outscored Utah 18-9 in the fourth quarter.

REDD的另一个要求是估计究竟有多少碳被固定在了一片特定的森林中。The other requirement of REDD is estimating just how much carbon is locked up in a particular forest.

但是她说估计碳储藏是昂贵的,特别是对于一个REDD项目的早期阶段。But it's expensive to estimate carbon stocks, she says, especially for the early stages of a REDD project.

这种能力的差异意味着不可能存在一个统一标准的REDD项目,至少在开始的时候是这样。Such varying capacities mean there cannot be a uniform standard in REDD projects, at least in the beginning.

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由于受伤,后卫迈克尔里德和中锋博格特,詹宁斯一直协助的良好开端。With injuries to guard Michael Redd and center Andrew Bogut, Jennings has been instrumental to the strong start.

REDD的策略在很大程度上得到了辩论,而一些发展中国家将明确地从提议中获益。Strategies for REDD have been much debated and some developing countries clearly stand to benefit from the proposals.

一些像皮尔斯、诺维斯基、斯塔德迈尔和里德的球员可以选择成为自由球员。Some players such as Pierce, Dirk Nowitzki, Amare Stoudemire and Michael Redd have clauses that could make them available.

如果一项名为REDD的国际“碳交易”计划被采纳,廖内省境内的一小块残存的原始林将成为为其首块试验林。A small area of Riau’s remaining forest will become a test case if an international carbon-trading plan called REDD is adopted.

实现它的一个关键组成部分是确保良好的、适应当地情况的科学为REDD策略提供信息。A critical component to achieving this is to ensure that REDD strategies are informed by good science that is also locally relevant.

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本周,我们把REDD放在了一系列文章的聚光灯下,从而发现并探索科学和研究能在何处做出贡献。This week, we put REDD under the spotlight in a series of articles to identify and explore where science and research can make a difference.

实际上过去7年这支队伍换了无数教练,我想里德也在那里打了9个赛季。But when you consider the fact there have been multiple coaching changes in the last 7 years and i think Michael Redd has been there 9 seasons.

这意味着,来自REDD方案的资金不仅需要流向生活在森林中的人们,而且需要流向生活在森林以外的农民。That means that money from REDD programmes need to go to people that not only live within the forests, but also the farmers living outside them.

离奥运会结束不到两个月,雄鹿队中锋安德烈·博格特和后卫迈克尔·里德将再度出现在中国的篮球场上。From the end of the Olympic Games less than two months, Bucks center Andrew Bogut and Michael Redd will be back again in China on the basketball court.

由于全球气候变化大会谈判受挫,为REDD计划筹集资金的前景显得非常渺茫,但不管怎样,资金都必须筹集到位。With global climate-change negotiations foundering, the prospects of raising cash for REDD that way look poor. But the money must be found from somewhere.

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当然,里德在场的时候,一般需要一个典型的摇摆人来对位防守对方的顶级外线射手。Also, when Redd is in the game you generally want a more prototypical swingman in there to matchup defensively against the other team's top perimeter scorer.

刚果得花费多年时间,才能将全国性REDD计划推向市场,而在此期间,该国在REDD计划上的努力也许就得依靠外国公共财政资助。It will take it years to bring a national REDD programme to market, and meanwhile its REDD efforts will probably have to be funded with foreign public money.

但自2009年12月哥本哈根气候峰会以来,美国国际开发署在重新调整部分工作重点,以便在相关地区为联合国领导的REDD项目作准备。Since the Copenhagen climate summit in December 2009, however, the agency has been refocusing some of its work to prepare regions for U.N.-led REDD projects.