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然后决定不这么做。Then decide not to.

我决定做个实验。I decide to experiment.

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必须由公众来决定。The public must decide.

但是我决定不去说谎。So we decide not to lie.

我们真敢这么做吗?Did we decide to dare it?

于是我决定启动该实验。So I decide to launch it.

那由你自己来决定。That's up to you to decide.

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下定决心去超越自我!Decide to Overtake Yourself!

如果我决定要开始性生活呢?What if I decide to have sex?

我决定这周去旅行!I decide to travel this week !

决定作为一个家庭成员,你是谁。Decide who you are as a family.

你必须自行决定。You must decide it by yourself.

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我会让你知道我的决定的。I’ll let you know what I decide.

一些朋友决定加入你。Some friends decide to join you.

我们决定把他带往急诊室。We decide to take him to the ER.

我们一定要定下来究竟买哪一个。We must decide which one to buy.

你为什么要去旧金山大学?Why did you decide to go to USF?

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决定自己是跳跳虎还是哎哟驴。Decide if you're Tiger or Eeyore.

请帮帮我决定我该怎么办吧!Please help me decide what to do!

作为主人,主题你说了算。As the host, you decide the theme.