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那辆汽车在环形交叉处抛锚了。The car stalled at the roundabout.

我们绕远道驾车回家。We drove home by a roundabout route.

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车子只得绕道而行。The car has to come a roundabout way.

我们开车绕道回的家。We drove home by a roundabout route.

这是个多么绕圈子做事的方法!What a roundabout way of doing things!

他总是拐弯抹角地求我办事。He always asks me favors in a roundabout way.

她很婉转地提出了一个建议。She made a suggestion in a very roundabout way.

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历史的发展是曲折的,迂回的。History moves in zigzags and by roundabout ways.

猎犬在旋转木马上找到一本深奥的书。The hound found a profound book on the roundabout.

我由一条迂回曲折的小径进了村。I entered the village by the little roundabout lane.

在金卡丁郡的一个小型环行交叉处左转。When in Kincardine turn left at the mini roundabout.

日本也在用迂回的方法武装自己。Japan, too, has been arming itself in a roundabout way.

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不要绕远道,否则会迟到。Don't take a roundabout route, otherwise you will be late.

出租车没有走直路,而是绕道行驶。The taxi didn't go by the direct route, but in a roundabout way.

“到头来还是要迂回向民众征税”,豪特说。“It ends up being a roundabout way to tax people, ” Hauter says.

虽然他不同意你的观点,但他表达的很宛转。He didn't agree to your opinions, but said so in a roundabout way.

他讲得很转弯抹角,我们难以摸透他的真正用意。He speaks in a roundabout way and no one knows what he is drive at.

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那里的老街上的街心转盘现在被称为“硅盘”。The roundabout there on Old Street is now called "Silicon Roundabout.

有一天发生了一件事,很有一点转弯抹角的启发性。One day something happened which in a roundabout way was enlightening.

所以最近的中国投资都采取了更加迂回的策略。So several recent Chinese investments have taken more roundabout forms.