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希勒强调,一小撮人可以给一整个团体带来潜力。Schiller stressed the potential a spot could have for a group.

青年席勒的创作主要是四部戏剧。The creations of youthful Schiller mainly have four-part drama.

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这也是弗里德里希·席勒的组诗,叫做,欢乐颂It was the setting of a poem by Friedrich Schiller called-- Ode to Joy?

首先,让我告诉你们这些关于Richard夫人的符号的意思。First, let me point you to this notation about Mrs. Richard F. Schiller.

但罗津和席勒发现年龄和辣椒素耐受性之间并无相关性。Rozin and Schiller found no correlation between age and tolerance though.

为什么,像席勒在1975年的一篇文章中问的那样,我们仍旧是野蛮人?How is it, as Friedrich Schiller asked in a 1795 essay, that we remain barbarians?

公司培训部的头头约翰卡其的上司由库克先生变成了席勒先生。Apple's education head John Couch, who had reported to Mr. Cook, now reports to Mr. Schiller.

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这是一个可爱的观点术语,价格比鲍勃席勒认为他们应该会更高。It's a lovely buzzword for a view that prices are higher than Bob Schiller thinks they ought to be.

在巴黎的菲尔席勒提出的平板屏、超薄型电脑的想法终于得以实现。Unveiled by Phil Schiller in Paris, the idea of a flatscreen, slimline computer is finally realised.

在巴黎期间肖邦做了多次访问,1834年,他和席勒共同访问了在亚琛举行的的莱茵河畔音乐节。In Paris during the visit, Chopin did him in 1834, Schiller and common visited in aachen the Rhine held festivals.

卢梭、席勒和荷尔德林的诗性之思处于逐步深化的关系中。The poetic thoughts of Rousseau , Schiller and Hölderlin inherited with each other and have been gradually deepened.

还记得我曾让你们找出约翰·雷序言中的,死在产床上的多莉是谁。Remember I asked you from the preface, John Ray's preface, to figure out who Dolly Schiller is, who dies in childbed.

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以前她以医学教授兼威斯康辛大学肺癌科主任的身分工作时就开始了对这些患者的治疗。Schiller during her previous employment as a medical professor and lung cancer director at the University of Wisconsin.

席勒小学时学过法文,但她承认,现在连正常对话都有问题。Schiller attended French immersion in elementary school but admits she would be hard-pressed to hold down a conversation now.

在巴黎,他的第二故乡,肖邦很快结识了一批当时的艺术家朋友,包括李斯特、舒曼、门德尔松、席勒等。In Paris, his second hometown, Chopin was soon met a friend, including the liszt artist schuirianri, Mendelssohn, Schiller etc.

只有那些在希望不存在的时候仍然坚持爱的人们才懂得什么是爱。Only those who still love when no hope in existence really understand love! ----, J. C. F. Johann christoph Friedrich Schiller.

乔布斯上次因病离职期间,正是席勒登上了本来应该是乔布斯出场的舞台。Jobs's last leave, it was Mr.Schiller who took over as Apple's chief showman, taking the stage at events typically headlined by Mr.

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德国浪漫主义文学家席勒将形式与心理结合起来,创造了自己独树一帜的形式心理美学。As a romanticist, Johann Christoph Friedrich Schiller combined art form with psychology and crated a new form-psychology aesthetics.

席勒认为这是人类社会通向真正自由之路,也是人自身实现为人的自由王国之路。Schiller considered this as the way leading to real freedom of human beings and also the way realizing the free kingdom of human beings.

席勒最后更为直接地把美和艺术的根据建立在了“游戏冲动”之上,从而形成了自己的艺术本体论。Since the foundation of beauty and art was built on the term of "game impulsion", Schiller formed his own artistic ontological, finally.