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这趟公共汽车中途不停。This is a nonstop bus.

高级课程班是没有休息的。The advanced class is nonstop.

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那个同学话音刚落,姜浩就重重地打出了一拳,同学的鼻子顿时血流如注。The student’s nose was bleeding nonstop.

这架直达的班机将会飞行大约14个小时。The nonstop flight will take about 14 hours

她不停地向我解释了足有一个小时。Her explanation took almost an hour of nonstop monologue.

这两天工作连轴转,组员们都快疯了。After two days of nonstop working, our crew members went nuts.

他们总是匆匆忙忙、精力充沛。停不下来。It's always rushing. Energy's just always upbeat. It's nonstop.

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于此同时,惠普还发布了其新款NonStop入门级服务器产品。HP also recently introduced new NonStop entry-level server systems.

李斯通杀死了他的太太,因为她不停地唠叨了20午。Stone Lee killed his wife because she nagged him nonstop for 20 years.

米凯尔比萨店地方不大,仅两个房间和一个烘烤不停的烤炉。Pizzeria da Michele is a small place with only two rooms and one nonstop oven.

他们在一个没有重力的空间站里一刻不停的进行各种战术和战略游戏。They play nonstop tactical and strategic games in a zero-gravity space station.

“啊,上帝,”海斯说着,一面拉制动闸,一面让警笛不停地响着。" Oh, God, " Hayes said as he pulled the brakes and sounded the whistle nonstop.

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我是唯一一个每天都听你抱怨自己没去尝试新东西的人。I'm the only one who hears your complain nonstop that you never try anything new.

开普勒“将对天鹅座和天琴座中预计约10万个恒星体系展开不间断观测。Kepler will stare nonstop at 100000 stars near the Cygnus and Lyra constellations.

中国飞往北美的跨太平洋直达航班主要从北京或上海出发。Transpacific nonstop flights from China mainly originate from Beijing or Shanghai.

我们很快成了忘年交,在后来的三个月中,一到下课我们就一起走出教室,聊个没完。Every day for the next three months, we would leave class together and talk nonstop.

芥末丝打断了苏拉的左臂和右腿,而且25分钟里不停的踢苏拉的睾丸。James broke Sura's left arm and right leg, and kicked his nuts for 25 minutes nonstop.

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此外,A25还能不间断播放MP3,长达15小时,并支持12小时的通话时间。In addition, the A25 can also play MP3 nonstop for 15 hours and talk time for 12 hours.

我们帮她两手分开来练,一次又一次,不间断地练了一周。We worked on it nonstop for a week, drilling each of her hands separately, over and over.

我们不间断地努力了一个星期,分开练习每只手,一遍又一遍地。We worked on it nonstop for a week, drilling each of her hands separately, over and over.