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哲人们告诉我们,托拉是上帝无限的智慧。The sages tell us that the torah is Gd's infinite knowledge.

丈夫满足自己妻子的性需要是一种义务。Torah obligates the husband to meet the sexual needs of his wife.

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他认为外邦人进入教会,但仍要遵守犹太律法。He sees Gentiles coming into the church but still being Torah observant.

这是普世的,对所有植根于犹太教和妥拉的观点而言。It's a universalism to all that's firmly anchored in Judaism and the Torah.

成文的托拉是有限的,但是它包含了上帝无限的智慧在其中。The written torah is finite, but it contains Gd's knowledge which is infinite.

耶稣是在强化犹太的律法,让它变得几乎不可能遵守。Jesus is intensifying the Jewish Torah and making it almost impossible to keep.

耶路撒冷名胜图片。犹太人集合在西方的墙壁读律法当一个受戒仪式典礼。Jews gather at the Western Wall to read the Torah during a bar mitzvah celebration.

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指的是堕落的犹太人,违法了摩西五经,会与安条克狼狈为奸。That is,the bad Jews who have violated the Torah will be in cahoots with Antiochus.

他拥有遵守犹太律法的基督教,耶稣是被认可的弥赛亚。He has a Torah observant form of Christianity, with Jesus as the recognized Messiah.

对于申命记而言,神圣性是一种地位,在不遵从上帝的情况下,将会失去。For Deuteronomy, holiness is a status to be lost through disobedience to God's Torah.

你永远也不会知道它,但是这已经通过了近150年律法是不可思议的。You would never know it, but this 150-year-old Torah has been through the unthinkable.

朵拉运用熟悉的比喻法表达神和创造的关系。The Torah uses familiar terms to allegorically to express God's relation to His creation.

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莉莉斯本尊也仅仅出现在犹太次经中,她既没有出现在圣经旧约首五卷,也没出现在圣经中。Lilith herself appears only in Jewish apocrypha texts-- she is in neither the Torah or the Bible.

创世纪是律法书的第一卷书,律法书包括旧约圣经的前五卷书。Genesis is the first book of the Law or Torah which consists of the first five books of the Bible.

它们只是表示在任何文本中,发现所谓的隐藏信息是很容易的,不仅在圣经旧约之首五卷里。They just serve to show how easily hidden messages can be produced in any text, not just the Torah.

这还是个首字母缩写词,T代表,是指示或教义的意思。Torah And this is an acronym. The T stands for Torah, which is a word that means instruction or teaching.

按照口头传统,七七节是摩西律法在西奈山产生的日子。According to oral tradition, Feast of Weeks was the time of giving The Torah or The Law of Moses at Mount Sinai.

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只有一个开发出家的抄写员可以修补超过300,000字母组成的律法。And only a sofer or ordained scribe could do the repairs to the more than 300,000 letters that make up the torah.

不用当众读摩西五经,但是会有一些祈祷、点蜡烛和一些演讲,最后是一段丰盛的晚宴。There would be no torah reading, but rather a few prayers, a candle lighting, a few speeches, and a nice buffet meal.

在托拉里,这就是区分创世纪上帝诸名的第一和第二记载的解释。In the Torah this is the way the difference between God's Name in the first and second accounts of Genesis is explained.