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初乳是婴儿最好的食物。Colostrum is the best food for babies.

什么是初乳?初乳对宝宝有什么好处?What is colostrum? How does it benefit my baby?

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每天一杯初乳将助我们远离害菌!A glass of colostrum everyday will drive the microbes away!

所以,牛初乳的作用没有宣传的那么大。Therefore, the role of bovine colostrum is not so much publicity.

初乳中有丰富的抗体和艾滋病婴儿的免疫系统。Colostrum is rich in antibodies and aids the baby's immune system.

我们了解到巴氏杀菌法也可用于初乳的消毒。We are learning that pasteurization can be used for colostrum also.

本文采用脉冲磁场杀菌技术对牛初乳进行杀菌试验研究。The pulse magnetic field sterilization test of colostrum was carried out.

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初乳的成分在哺乳期开始后发生变化。Colostrum composition exhibits major changes after the onset of lactation.

首先,它是重要的是所有的仔猪获得良好的喝的初乳。First of all it's essential that all the piglets get a good drink of colostrum.

初乳是母乳中的“精品”,所以应让新生儿及时吮吸。Colostrum is the milk in the "fine", it should be time to let their babies suck.

牛初乳是独一的抗体和免疫因数的补充。Colostrum is the only supplement you can take to add back antibodies and immune factors.

初乳含有比较成熟乳较少的脂肪和乳糖,适合新生儿消化吸收。Colostrum contains less mature milk fat and lactose digestion and absorption for newborns.

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牛初乳是奶牛正常分娩后最初几天内分泌的乳汁。Bovine colostrum is the secretion form the mammary gland for the first days after parturition.

初乳是一种健康食品,它应当成为我们日常食物疗法的一部分,以维持身体健康。Colostrum is a healthy food and it should be part of our daily food regimen to maintain good health.

牛初乳粉、天然维生素E醋酸酯、乳糖、DHA藻油原料进口自美国。Colostrum powder, Natural vitamin E Acetate, Lactose, DHA Alga oil Raw material is imported from USA.

KD初乳奶粉也可以被混合直接地入准备的食物例如米、燕麦粥、小汤或者汤。KD colostrum milk powder may be mixed directly into prepared food such as rice, oatmeal, gravy or soup.

综述了口服牛初乳的动物、人体功能性实验结果。Functional trials of bovine colostrum and its components administrated orally were summarized in this paper.

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浓浓的、鲜鲜的牛初乳及天然海盐,能净白肌肤,去除老化角质。Thick and fresh colostrum milk and natural oceanic salt can purify and whiten skin, and remove aged horniness.

我想要利用后面大部分的时间用来叙述华茂生技针对初乳精华所做的一些实验。I'd like to spend most of the rest of the time describing some of the studies done with Pharmanex Colostrum MFT.

所谓免疫蛋白、初乳、“造骨蛋白”等等,都不具有特别的价值。The so-called immunoprotein, the colostrum , "make the bone protein" and so on, does not have the special values.