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文章内容字字珠玑、句句堪精!Abas every word content, sentence worthy of sperm!

珠玑工业园的管理信誉怎样?Abas Industrial Park, the credibility of the management of what?

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今年拉阿巴斯先生来到纽约并定居于此。Mr. Abas moved to New York this year and has quickly settled in.

飞瀑如珠玑万斛直落九天,蔚为壮观。Fei Bao such as Abas million Hu Teluk nine days, become a spectacular.

在此条件下,溴胺酸的降解遵从负指数模式。Under these conditions, the ABAS degradation followed negative exponential model.

于是,以利沙·拉阿巴斯进入耶路撒冷的一所寄宿学校,在那里他仍坚持练琴但很少参加音乐会。Elisha Abas went to a boarding school in Jerusalem, where he practiced but gave few concerts.

上周我碰到一个大学生,他不会40减6,而要用计算器才行。Last week, a M University student who could not subtract 6 from 40 and use the calculators, says Abas.

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拉阿巴斯先生说他在那段时间以儿子代理人的身份出现,自己并未取得任何成绩。Mr. Abas said he was living vicariously through his son at a time when he himself had yet to make his mark.

现在住在瑞典,来自伊朗的阿巴斯说使用大脑是有好处的,因为计算器不总是实用的。Abas from Iran, now living in Sweden, says it is good to use your brain because calculators are not always available.

拉阿巴斯先生出生于耶路撒冷,当他4岁时,他对父母说,一位住在隔壁的音乐家发觉了他的才华并建议他接受钢琴训练。Mr. Abas was born in Jerusalem. When he was 4, he and his parents say, a musician neighbor detected talent and suggested lessons.

美国国务卿鲍威尔与巴勒斯坦总理举行会晤,商讨中东和平计划。American secretary of the state of the Colleing Power has met with Palestinian prime minister Abas to discuss the middle east plan.

诗里的字字珠玑会像烙印在历史留下痕迹,双脚踏上坚定步伐是我对诗句节奏的定义。Each word in the poem like brand Abas left traces in history, his feet firmly set foot on the pace of the rhythm is my definition of a poem.

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该洞系石灰岩溶洞,高、宽约30米,长约180米,上弯下平,洞内溪水淙淙,钟乳悬挂,水落珠玑。The holes in the limestone caverns, a width of 30 meters, 180 meters long , on- Wan Xia, inside stream Congcong, Zhongru hoisted, the Shuiluo Abas.

在东峰山脚穴内,终年滴水不绝。夏季珠玑四溅,甘醇沁人,冬季冰柱倒悬,宛如琼玉世界。Dongfeng Xuenei in the foot, year-round water can not. Abas scattered in the summer, Qin Ren glycol, winter icicles hung upside down, like Jean-World.

但14岁的时候,拉阿巴斯先生说,他饱受神经衰弱的折磨,以至于对最微弱的声音过分敏感,尤其是咀嚼和脚步的声音。But around age 14, Mr. Abas said, he became afflicted with a "neurosis" that made him acutely sensitive to the tiniest sounds, especially chewing and footsteps.

与萨尔茨曼夫人相熟识的瓦迪先生说,作为孩子拉阿巴斯先生是一位非常热情的演奏者,具有不同凡响的情感,绝不仅仅是一台技巧机器。Mr. Vardi, who was close to Ms. Salzman, said that as a boy Mr. Abas was an extremely lyrical player of unusual emotional maturity, rather than a technical whiz.

长髯短发的拉阿巴斯先生向每一个经过的熟人打着招呼,抽着骆驼牌香烟、不时地向街上磕去烟灰并沙哑地咳嗽。Unshaven with long sideburns and close-cropped hair, Mr. Abas greeted acquaintances as they passed by, smoked Camels, flicked the butts into the street and coughed raucously.