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众所周知,高指标问题是困扰DAE系统数值求解的一大难题。It is well known that it is numerically difficult to solve a high-index DAE problem.

麻油和种子为韩国创造金大中籍Congi猪肉菜腌坚果味。Sesame oil and seeds create a nutty flavor for the Korean pork dish Dae Ji Congi marinade.

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在韩国金大中籍Congi猪肉菜洋葱切成非常薄的,应以确保它们迅速,均匀地烹调。Onions in the Korean pork dish Dae Ji Congi should be sliced very thin to ensure they cook quickly and evenly.

缅甸政府军尽管过去一再试图攻占岱普诺基地,但均未得逞。Despite repeated attempts to overrun Dae Pu Noh in the past, Burmese government troops have failed to take the base.

波音公司没有指明取消飞机合同的航空公司,但是对比此前数据应是迪拜航空工业集团。Boeing did not indicate who had cancelled its plane contracts, but comparison with earlier data indicates it was DAE.

金大洪是一位在釜山工作的南韩艺术家,釜山国立大学美术学士、美术硕士。Dae Hong Kim is a Korean artist who works in Busan. He completed his BFA and MFA degree at Busan National University.

采用此类语言的物理系统建模经常产生高指标DAE问题。To support flexible and safe reuse of model components, high-index DAE problems are natural in object-oriented modelling.

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迪拜航空大学希望向MRO学员提供动手操作的课程。Ebbs hopes to incorporate hands-on experience for future DAE University MRO students in cooperation with an airline or two.

说明吃上元丸之风俗于宋以前即已有之,至宋大盛而有诗人之咏吟。Description eat Motomaru of the customs that has existed since before the Song, Zhi Song dae sung while the poet's Wing-yin.

青瓦台是韩国总统府,坐落在北部,西部首尔,韩国的政治中心。Cheong Wa Dae is a South Korean presidential office, located in the northern part of western Seoul, South Korea's political center.

通过张赫热情的演出,他把李大吉这角色双重性塑造成魅力和引人注目的人。Due to Jang Hyuk's passionate performance, the character Lee Dae Gil can be shown in its duality as an attractive and compelling person.

然后便可获得其状态空间实现,并作为控制器综合的基础。Then the state space realization of the original DAE system is derivated, and is used as the basis for the synthesis of feedback controller.

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2010年11月28日,韩国总统李明博在首尔青瓦台会见了到访的中国国务委员戴秉国。On November 28, 2010, ROK President Lee Myung-bak met with visiting Chinese State Councilor Dai Bingguo in Seoul's presidential office Cheong Wa Dae.

金大中成为继韩国前总统朴正熙之后又一名书法作品广受关注的韩国政治家。Former South Korean President Kim Dae Jung become the Park Chung-hee, a work of calligraphy and later the South Korean politicians widespread attention.

青瓦台没有公开这名官员的全名,只说他姓“裴”,负责调查总统府内部腐败案件。Cheong Wa Dae official did not disclose the full name, saying only that his name is, "Pei", responsible for investigating cases of corruption within the Presidential Palace.

DAE能够在切割过程中自动调整切割头与工件之间的距离以保证优良的切割品质和防止砂管被撞断。DAE is used for adjusting the distance between the nozzle and the work-piece automatically. DAE ensures high quality of the cutting surface and prevents the nozzles to be broken.

韩联社27日援引青瓦台官员称,朝鲜卷入26日韩国军舰沉船事件的可能性不大。Chances seem low that North Korea is involved in Friday's South Korean warship sinking, Yonhap News Agency cited multiple officials at the presidential office of Cheong Wa Dae Saturday.

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我们已经阻止了朝鲜生产钚和导弹试射的计划,在其它争议性问题上没有韩国的参与,我们也拒绝了和他们打交道,为金大中的“阳光政策”创造条件。We had stopped their plutonium and missile testing programs, and had refused to deal with them on other issues without involving South Korea, setting the stage for Kim Dae Jung’s sunshine policy.

而且还有各国领导人的支持,如曼德拉、布莱尔、侯赛因国王、哈韦尔、沙特阿拉伯王储阿卜杜拉、金大中、希拉克、卡多佐、塞迪略,以及其他我所敬仰的人对我的鼓励。Having the support of world leaders like Mandela, Blair, King Hussein, Havel, Crown Prince Abdullah, Kim Dae Jung, Chirac, Cardoso, Zedillo, and others whom I admired helped to keep my spirits up.

2005年11月16日下午,正在韩国进行国事访问的国家主席胡锦涛在韩国总统府青瓦台同韩国总统卢武铉举行会谈。On the afternoon of November 16, 2005, Chinese President Hu Jintao, who was on a state visit to the ROK, held talks at the Presidential Palace at Chong Wa Dae with his ROK counterpart Roh Moo-hyun.