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我们去蓝礁湖吧。Let's go to the Blue Lagoon.

所以我们去了蓝色咸水湖。So then we went to the Blue Lagoon.

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泻湖这个“分水岭”是由砂质物构成的。This lagoon "divider" consist of sand.

美丽的泻湖是无与伦比的。The beauty of the lagoon is unparalleled.

三裂星云比礁湖星云稍微暗一些。The Trifid is a little dimmer than the Lagoon.

他正在环礁湖里与一只短吻鳄搏斗。He was grappling with an alligator in a lagoon.

蓝湖温泉的水来自湖底大约两千米的地方。It starts nearly two kilometers under Blue Lagoon.

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它一直是居住在泻湖上的威尼斯人代步的工具。It has been living in the Venetian lagoon on the car.

该门卫说,他看到在俱乐部蓝礁湖你。The doorman said he seen you at the Club Blue Lagoon.

咸水湖的水变成淡水,导致红树林死亡。The lagoon becomes fresh water and the mangroves die.

但这可能会造成潟湖的野生生物面临生存危机。However, this would leave her lagoon wildlife high and dry.

宽吻海豚的游戏在马纳洛泻湖,夏威夷。A bottlenose dolphin plays in a lagoon in Waimanalo, Hawaii.

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一只宽吻海豚在夏威夷威玛纳诺的泻湖里嬉戏。A bottlenose dolphin plays in a lagoon in Waimanalo, Hawaii.

威尼斯城及其泻湖1987年被列入世界遗产名录。Venice and its lagoon joined the World Heritage List in 1987.

每个岛屿的四周是由礁石围成的浅礁湖。Each island is surrounded by a reef enclosing a shallow lagoon.

栖息于礁石平台以及舄湖浅滩与临海礁石。Inhabit reef flats as well as shallow lagoon and seaward reefs.

蓝泻湖是一个由火山熔岩形成的咸水湖,富含矿物质。The Blue Lagoon is a mineral-rich seawater lake heated by lava.

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蓝泻湖是一个由火山熔岩形成的咸水湖,富含矿物质。The Blue Lagoon is a mineral-rich seawater lake heated by lava2.

冰岛最有名的温泉当属蓝湖。The most famous of Iceland's bubbling hot springs is Blue Lagoon.

世界上没有其他的城市像威尼斯一样建立在潟湖之上。No other cities in the world are built on a lagoon like Venice is.