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即使是有病菌残留在这些密封的一次性筷子里,这超辣的辣椒酱也会杀死它们的。If any germs make it through the hygienically sealed chopsticks the fiery chili paste should kill them.

塑料垃圾袋将垃圾卫生地装起来,使得我们能够安全、快速地收集它们。Plastic trash bags keep waste hygienically contained and allow trash to be collected quickly and safely.

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如果设备不能清洗和运行卫生,客户将正确地回来的供应商。If equipment cannot be cleaned and run hygienically , the customer will rightly come back on the supplier.

我们的目标是为客户提供适用于处理各类液体和粉状产品的化学和卫生软管。We aim at offering excellent hose solutions to transfer hygienically and chemically any kind of fluids or powders.

他是一个谢了顶的老头,下巴上留着一把海员式的白胡子,平时喜欢穿着法国渔民式厚毛衣和宽纹灯芯绒裤子。Hygienically bald, with a seaman’s mustacheless white beard, Zipperstein favored French fisherman’s sweaters and wide-wale corduroys.

两个体量之间是一个教学走廊,我们可以在不进入两个体量的前提下通过走廊看到加工过程。The gap between these volumes is a pedagogical corridor that allows to see the process ongoing without entering hygienically ruled zone.

捕获后,用在卫生的环境中种植,准备的植物性食物喂养,大多数灵长类动物血液中维生素B12水平迅速下降。After capture, the blood B12 levels of most primates drops rapidly when they are fed on a hygienically grown and prepared plant-based diet.

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本部分包含或接触产品的移动。任何人都可以轻易拆卸,清洗和消毒。这是非常卫生的设计。The parts which contain or touch the product are removable. Anyone can disassemble, wash and sanitize easily. It is very hygienically designed.

水洗能固定这些通过散开颜色到纤维中,洗过以后你应该尽量偶尔,卫生的在热水中洗你的牛仔裤。Washing 'fixes' this by spreading the dye throughout the fibers, after this time you may wash your jeans in warm water as infrequently as hygienically possible !

一种可以方便、安全、卫生地利用卫浴间洗浴废水来冲厕的废水直冲式虹吸坐便器。The invention relates to a waste water washdown siphoning pedestal pan which utilizes bath waste water in a bathroom to flush a toilet conveniently, safely and hygienically.