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噢,玛丽,你穿着这件小睡衣简直太迷人了!Oh, Mary, you look ravishing in that skimpy negligee !

奇才后场强劲而前场羸弱。The Wizards are strong in the backcourt but skimpy up front.

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她侧身坐上吧椅,她那黑色超短裙滑上她的大腿。She sidled on to a bar stool and her skimpy black skirt slid up her thigh.

她也是一位空手道黑带高手,喜欢穿着轻薄的衣服跳阿根廷探戈。She’s a Karate Black Belt, and loves dancing Argentine tango in skimpy dresses.

女士应该穿礼服,礼服不要太短,也别太露,白色可是万万不可的。Women should wear a dress — not too short, not too skimpy and certainly not white.

但是这个角色的作用被短期利益和不健全的体制所削弱。But that role is impaired by the short duration of benefits and their skimpy level.

穿这个去吃饭不会太暴露﹐如果你们饭后去跳舞的话﹐你也不会觉得穿得不够正式。It's not too skimpy for dinner and you won't feel underdressed if you guys go dancing after.

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不吃早餐或是早餐胡乱应付就像是跑完马拉松之后不给身体补水,补充能量。To skip breakfast or eat a skimpy one is like failing to rehydrate and refuel after a marathon.

这是第一个暑假教练让我们穿泳裤而不再穿轻薄的赛车裤。This was the first summer the coach let us boys wear swim trunk instead of those skimpy racing trunks.

男性秃顶的第一个征兆就是让他看到自己…The first sign of male pattern baldness brings a man face-to-follicle with a skimpy aspect of his future.

美丽的姑娘们穿着紧身的打扮向热情高涨的卡车司机们免费分发帽子,铅笔以及钥匙链。Pretty women dressed in skimpy outfits hand out free hats, pens, and key chains to crowds of enthusiastic truckers.

跑步只需要少量简单的装备,这就使它成为商品推销商最不喜欢的娱乐形式。And the scant and skimpy equipment which jogging demands must make it a marketer's least favored form of recreation.

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一些父母担心这些小仙女的勾人外形和暴露装扮会传递给女孩子们错误的信息。And some parents worry the fairies are giving come-hither looks and wearing skimpy outfits that send girls the wrong message.

另一项研究发现,troublingly,在G级电影中的女性穿的R级电影中的女性对轻薄的衣服是相同的。Another study found, troublingly, that women in G-rated films wear the same amount of skimpy clothing as women in R-rated films.

在比赛休息时间,这些啦啦队员随着音乐尽情舞动,她们甚至比选手们还穿得少。The cheerleaders, whose outfits are even more skimpy than those worn by the players, prance to rock music during breaks in play.

由于汽车上只有少得可怜12伏供电,用作前大灯的高强度气体放电灯需要异常复杂的镇流器和提高电压的电路。Because of a car's skimpy 12- volt electricity supply, HIDs in headlamps require fancier ballasts and volt age-boosting circuitry.

我看到一个祖母完全被面纱遮住,而她的近30岁的女儿穿着时髦的休闲裤,而孙女穿着轻薄的短裤。I saw one grandmother in full hejab, her thirty something daughter in trendy glitter and slacks and the granddaughter in skimpy shorts.

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一项研究发现,至少三分之一的男性希望女性不要在工作时穿暴露的服装,最不能接受的是超短紧身裤。A study found that at least a third of men want women stopped from wearing revealing outfits at work, with skimpy shorts the first to go.

由于这个原因,我不能骑自行车,不能穿太小的内裤或紧身牛仔裤,甚至是所有的牛仔裤——因为它们都会擦到我敏感的神经。I couldn't wear skimpy underwear or skinny jeans — or jeans at all, for that matter — because they rubbed my sensitive nerves the wrong way.

某天晚上当他离开这里时,他会不会发现她正穿着短小紧身的战斗服,就像贝拉穿的那种有突起的D环状甲胄,同时她还在四处炫耀?Would he come out here one evening to find her parading around in some skimpy fighting costume, like Bela's bossed and D-ringed body harness?