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康涅狄格的首都是哈特福德。The capital of Connecticut is Hartford.

活泼爽直的哈特福德姑娘马上修正他的主张。The saucy little girl from Hartford promptly corrected his idea.

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他的第一年,平面设计学生在哈特福年夜学。He's a first year, graphic design student at the University of Hartford.

吕秀莲和我知道的人住在其中哈特福德有时我们参观了整个周末。Annette and I knew people who lived in Hartford whom we sometimes visited over the weekend.

被哈特福德大学以3比0横扫后,奎尼匹克大学排球队从B组中淘汰。Swept by Hartford 3-0, the Quinnipiac University volleyball team was knocked out of Group B.

美国康涅狄格州中北部的一座城镇,位于哈特福德东面。'72年始有人定居,人口49,7'。A town of north-central Connecticut east of Hartford. It was settled in '72. Population, 49,7'.

曼彻斯特镇美国康涅狄格州中北部的一座城镇,位于哈特福德东面。1672年始有人定居,人口49,761。A town of north-central Connecticut east of Hartford. It was settled in1672. Population, 49,761.

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曼彻斯特镇美国康涅狄格州中北部一座城镇,位哈特福德东面。1672年始有人定居,人口49,761。A town of north-central Connecticut east of Hartford. It was settled in1672. Population, 49, 761.

走投无路之下,父母找到了哈特福特医院的神经外科医生斯考维勒。His desperate parents were referred to William Beecher Scoville, a neurosurgeon at Hartford Hospital.

法明顿美国康涅狄格州中部的哈特福德西南一个城镇,建于1640年,主要是住宅区。人口20,608。A town of central Connecticut southwest of Hartford. Settled in1640, it is chiefly residential. Population, 20, 608.

普惠公司是世界500强的美国联合技术公司的子公司,总部位于美国的康乃狄克州。Company which is a fortune 500 company with headquarter located in East Hartford , Connecticut in the United States.

美国康涅狄格州北部的一个城市,位于哈特福德东北。该城建于72'年,是制造业中心。人口29,84。A town of northern Connecticut northeast of Hartford. Settled c. 72', it is a manufacturing center. Population, 29,84.

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罗杰·谢尔曼的康涅狄格州同胞,哈特福德的才子们不喜欢文化上或政治上的过激主张。Radicalism, cultural or political, was repellent to Roger Sherman's fellow-citizens of Connecticut, the Hartford Wits.

美国康涅狄格州北部一镇,在哈特福德以北。从'35年开始有人在此定居,是这州最古老的城镇。人口27,87。A town of northern Connecticut north of Hartford. Settled c. '35, it is the oldest town in the state. Population, 27,87.

美国康涅狄格州北部一镇,在哈特福德以北。从1635年开始有人在此定居,是这州最古老的城镇。人口27,817。A town of northern Connecticut north of Hartford. Settled c. 1635, it is the oldest town in the state. Population, 27,817.

因此当我听说哈特福特有个项目时,哈特福特神学院,是的,是传统的基督教神学院。So I heard of this program that's in Hartford, the Hartford Theological Seminary, It's traditionally a Christian seminary.

美国发明家塞谬尔·科尔特诞生于康涅狄格州哈特福德。1835年他获得一种左轮手枪专利权,这种手枪上铸有他的名字。Samuel Colt, American inventor and patentee in 1835 of a revolver that bears his name, was born at Hartford in Connecticut.

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托灵顿美国康涅狄格州西北部一城市,位于哈特福德以西。它是均质牛奶的发明地。人口33,687。A city of northwest Connecticut west of Hartford. The process of milk homogenization was invented here. Population, 33, 687.

美国康涅狄格州北部一城镇,位于哈特福德西北。设立于1670年,现为一个制造业中心。人口22,023。A town of northern Connecticut northwest of Hartford. Incorporated in 1670, it is a manufacturing center. Population, 22,023.

美国康涅狄格州东北部一城镇,位于哈特福德的东北偏东方,是个农业和制造业社区。人口2,03。A town of northeast Connecticut east-northeast of Hartford. It is an agricultural and manufacturing community. Population, 2,03.