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约翰国王是首次出版,在1623年第一对开本的。King John was first published in the First Folio of 1623.

理查德告诉过我16世纪的三卷关于炼金术的对开本书籍的事。Richard told me of three 16th-century folio volumes on alchemy.

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另外,各公司对开工日期要求也不同。Moreover, each company folio date of work request also different.

系列对开的纸是一个可订制的联邦风格对开的纸装备。The F200-Series folios are a customizable federal style folio kit.

今年,这档节目获得了由公平媒体委员会颁发的弗里欧奖。And this year, the show won a Folio Award from the Fair Media Council.

接着,他在文学界暂露头角,出版对开本。He next makes his appearance in the republic of letters and publishes his folio.

光电控制,自动计数,并可预置牙印张数及压印位置。Photoelectrical control, automatic counting, preset printing folio and position.

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正文及插图,包括书眉和页码,在书页内所占的面积。Area occupied by text and illustration on a page, including running head and folio.

光电控制,自动计数,并可预置压印张数及压印位置。Opto-electrical control, automatic counting, printing folio and position can be preset.

称呼客人的姓名并询问,是否还有未输到客人账户中的最近消费。Use the guest's name and ask about recent charges, which may not be posted to the folio.

早期的四开本和首页对折文章的作业将使用因特网正文和传真。Assignments in early quartos and First Folio texts will use internet texts and facsimiles.

本实用新型提供一种防蚊纱门帘,由对开的两块纱门帘组成。The utility model provides an anti-mosquito gauze door curtain which comprises two folio gauze door curtains.

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现在假如你看第一对开本和引语本,还有很多很不一样的地方。Now if you look at the quotes and the folio edition There're many cases where there are significant diversions.

乌盖利给了他们两册英文排版的笔记,他已经收集了为完成他的“意大利骶”。Ughelli gave them two volumes in folio of notes which he had collected for the completion of his "Italia Sacra".

如果你想要查看到更优秀的设计灵感,你可以查看我们的网站-苏打苏塔。If you’re looking for more design inspiration from high-quality portfolio sites, see our gallery site Folio Focus.

使大家对开发工具有更好的了解,同时也有利于更好地使用这些开发工具。Make everyone's folio hair tool have better understanding, Be also advantageous to using these development tools betterly.

约翰穿的夹克是用他的描图纸和包括废旧建筑图纸在内的办公废纸做的。John wears a jacket constructed from tracing paper, and office paper waste including old print outs of his architecture folio.

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为此本论文提出了基于中文笔迹中使用的信纸、稿纸等带有特殊格线的纸张的去除背景的方法,实验证明了此方法的有效性。The experiments prove this method can remove the background effectively such as the grids of French folio paper and the lines of letter paper.

比尔顿先生为此支付了差不多六枚金币,他相信自己仅仅在精装对开本上就能赚回比这价格的两倍还多的利润。Master Bilton had paid almost six guineas for the quarto, and be?lieved he could make nearly twice that much back on the hardcover folio alone.

公司拥有多台全新海德堡速霸和全自动高速凹版电脑七色印刷机以及配备齐全的印前、印后设施,且拥有了一批高技术的印刷专业人员。We have more seven-color folio printing lines and a Heidelberg 'Speed Master' printing machine, and has a number of high-tech professionals in printing.