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杰森和维婕尔逃到了科洛桑。Jacen and Vergere fled to Coruscant.

妮拉特·阿吉拉是科洛桑夜总会里很典型的一类人。Nyrat Agira was typical of the Coruscant club scene.

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他们必须抵达科洛桑并为纳布赢得支持。They had to reach Coruscant and get support for the Naboo.

她是科洛桑之外最伟大的忠诚者之一。She was one of the greatest Loyalist proponents outside of Coruscant.

在这个新政权的统治下,科洛桑依然是银河系的首都。Coruscant continued as the capital of the galaxy under this new regime.

该历法的根据是科洛桑行星的大小和运转速度。The calendar is based on the size and rotation of the planet Coruscant.

在随后的几年里,新共和国在科洛桑设立政府。Over the next few years, the New Republic set up government on Coruscant.

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一千代人以来,科洛桑始终是银河事务的中心。For a thousand generations Coruscant has been central to galactic affairs.

就在这次任务期间,从科洛桑传来执行66号指令的指示。It was during this mission the call came from Coruscant to execute Order 66.

昆兰前往科洛桑暗杀卡议员,所幸被温杜及时制止。Vos voyaged to Coruscant to kill Senator Kaa, but Windu stopped Vos in time.

不久,达什又帮助卢克和兰多潜入西佐王子在科洛桑上的宫殿。Dash later helped Luke and Lando infiltrate Prince Xizor's palace on Coruscant.

最后,本把赛伊家的地点告诉了科洛桑警方。In the end, Ben provided the location of the Saiy family to the Coruscant police.

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站在科洛桑那广阔城市的顶端俯视这景象,可以发现那是何等的美丽。Beings watching from rooftops of Coruscant 's endless cityscape can find it beautiful.

然后他开始有计划地实施夺回各个世界的战役,目标是重新占领科洛桑。He then began a systematic campaign of retaking worlds in a bid to recapture Coruscant.

那卜的艾米达拉女王航行至科罗森,在参议院中陈述她的案件。Queen Amidala of the Naboo voyaged to Coruscant to present her case to the assembled Senate.

在闪耀之城科洛桑街道的上方,高高耸立着绝地神殿的尖顶。Somewhere high above the streets of glittering Coruscant soars the spire of the Jedi Temple.

当大月旦的分离势力向首都发动进攻时,斯塔丝·阿利就驻守在科洛桑。Stass Allie was stationed on Coruscant during the bold Separatist strike against the capital.

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在共和国的最后岁月里,这名异族绝地是科洛桑绝地高级委员会的成员。The alien Jedi was a member of the High Council on Coruscant during the Republic's final years.

除了绝地训练外,阿纳金也在科洛桑的正式训练中磨炼了自己的飞行技术。Aside from Jedi training, Anakin honed his piloting skills through formal training on Coruscant.

在共和国的垂暮之年里,温杜在科洛桑的绝地神殿里度过了他的大部分时间。In the later years of the Republic, Windu spent most of his time in the Jedi Temple of Coruscant.