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他说,最高法院没有明确指导规定,在什么情况下应该要求取消资格。He said the court provided no guidance about when recusal will be constitutionally required.

他说,最高法院没有提供指导意见,在什么情况下应该要求取消资格。He said the court provided no guidance about when recusels recusal will be constitutionally required.

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最高法院说,并非所有的竞选捐赠都要求法官回避,“但这是一特例”。Not every campaign gift requires a judge's recusal , the court said, "but this is an exceptional case."

最高法院称,并非每个接受竞选捐款的法官都要被取消资格,“但是这是特例”。Not every campaign gave gift requires a judge's recusal , the court said. But , " but this is an exceptional case."

被申请迴避之公务员,对于该申请得提出意见书。The government officer whose recusal has been applied for may give his view in writing with respect to such application.

首席法官约翰•罗伯茨曾是四位持不同意见者之一,他说,法庭没有提供何时需要实质性取消资格的指导规则。Chief Justice John Roberts was one of four dissenters. He said the court provided no guidance about when recusal will be constitutionally required.

第四十八条人民法院对当事人提出的回避申请,应当在申请提出的三日内,以口头或者书面形式作出决定。Article 48 The decision of a people's court on a request for recusal shall be made orally or in writing within three days after the request was made.

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劳动争议仲裁委员会对回避申请应当及时作出决定,并以口头或者书面方式通知当事人。A labor dispute arbitration commission shall timely make a decision on an application for recusal and notify verbally or in writing the party of its decision.

行政机关主要负责人的回避由本级人民政府或者其上一级主管部门决定。The recusal of a principal responsible person of an administrative organ shall be decided by the peoples government at the same level or the department-in-charge at the next higher level.

委托人对司法鉴定机构是否实行回避的决定有异议的,可以撤销鉴定委托。Where a client raises any objection to a decision of a judicial authentication institution on whether to implement a recusal or not, the client may withdraw its commission of authentication.