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它们的名字是从下垂的鼻子衍生而来。Their name comes from that pendulous nose.

喉部不应该下垂或过于夸张。The dewlap should not be pendulous and excessive.

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不能有下垂或太多的垂肉。There should be no pendulous or excessive dewlap.

嘴唇呈四方形,但不下垂,也没有夸张的上唇。Lips square, but not pendulous or showing prominent flews.

公狗包皮将随老化逐渐下垂。The prepuce slowly becomes more pendulous as the dog ages.

嘴唇发达但不下垂,末端干净利落。Lips well developed but not pendulous giving a clean finish.

他正试图拿到那个织巢鸟的悬垂的巢。He is trying to reach the pendulous nests of the weaver-birds.

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下垂的肉类似悬垂的部分,如鸟类的垂肉。A pendulous part similar to this, such as the wattle of a bird.

小棉袄本没扣著,胸前露出一对极长极大的奶来。Her unbuttoned jacket opened to show two huge pendulous breasts.

唇颚完全覆盖,但不显松散下垂。Lips cover the jaws completely but are neither loose nor pendulous.

塔楼阴影交互映衬,一切都似乎高悬空际。So blend the turrets and shadows there that all seems pendulous in air.

高加索和小亚细亚的一种常绿树种,树枝下垂,装饰用。Caucasus and Asia Minor used as an ornamental having pendulous branchlets.

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摆式加速度计的设计与陀螺设计有很多共同之处。The pendulous accelerometer design had much in common with the gyro design.

构造相当,厚实,有适度下垂的上唇,可垂至比嘴唇更低处。Well developed, thick, with moderate flews and slightly pendulous lower lips.

雄性有颊部肿垂和垂在咽喉处的袋状气囊。Males have fatty cheek flaps and a bag like, pendulous swelling at the throat.

由于枯否氏韧带的伸展大的下垂的乳腺可能会引起疼痛。Large pendulous breasts may cause pain due to stretching of Cooper's ligaments.

这种雄性长鼻猴长着一个下垂的、看上去有些色迷迷的大鼻子。The male proboscis monkey has a pendulous vaguely salacious Jimmy Durante nose.

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不能太长。不能有下垂或太多的垂肉。Length is not to be excessive. There should be no pendulous or excessive dewlap.

它那一串串的蓝绿色花序从下面望去极为壮观。The pendulous festoons of blue green blossoms are spectacular when viewed from below.

这种摇摆的现象在随后的时间里仍未能得到改善。Phenomenon of this kind of pendulous still fails to get ameliorative in subsequently time.