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沉重的磨石将他砸扁。The heavy millstone leaves him flat.

他正在凿磨石面。He is picking the surface of a millstone.

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我正如俗语所说的一般能够洞察石磨。I can see into a millstone as the saying is.

我欠的债像是在脖子上套着个磨盘。My debts were like a millstone round my neck.

我欠的债象是在脖子上套着个磨盘。My debts were like a millstone round my neck.

附近曾经出土过最古老的石磨盘。The most ancient millstone was unearthed just nearby.

推磨的声音在你们中间决不能再听见。The sound of a millstone will never be heard in you again.

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古名磨儿山,形圆如磨,故名。It was originally named Millstone Hill for its circular shape.

这可真是一个知识经济时代的沉重负担。That is quite a millstone to carry in a knowledge-based economy.

有一个妇人把一块上磨石抛在亚比米勒的头上,打破了他的脑骨。a woman dropped an upper millstone on his head and cracked his skull.

这些军火交易成了姆贝基颈上的枷锁,遮掩工作于是开始上演。The deals were a millstone around Mbeki's neck, and so began the cover-up.

磨盘安在地上,人推石磨时得弓腰缓行。The millstone installed on the ground. People should stoop to push it slowly.

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当他走到门口时,磨盘从门上落了下来,一下把他砸死了。As he ran through the front door the millstone jumped down and struck him dead.

有一个妇人把一块上磨石抛在亚比米勒的头上,打破了他的脑骨。And a certain woman cast a piece of a millstone upon Abimelech's head, and all to brake his skull.

她刚一出去,小鸟把磨石扔到了她的头上,将她砸得粉碎。And as she went out the door, crash! the bird threw the millstone on her head, and it crushed her to death.

你也不需要对任何人的生活做保证,因为这样只不过是让你自己徒增磨难和重担。Nor shall you take as a pledge any person's life, for to do so is to take upon yourself both a mill and a millstone.

成功的试制成了覆盖有镍-铁-金刚石复合电刷镀层的钢球研磨板。Finally steel balls millstone covering with Ni-Fe-diamond composite electro-brush plating film is produced successfully.

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三个磨辊均分布于磨盘辊道上,并铰固在加载架上。The three abrasive rollers are distributed at the roller path of the millstone uniformly, and are fixedly to the loading rack.

通过液压站、液压缸向磨辊施加足够的压力使物料受碾压而粉碎。The milling area is made up of roller and troughs . The millstone is made up of pedestal, liner and stuffing material ring etc.

假使磨盘底下的黍粒有思维的能力,它所想的也许就是冉阿让所想的了。If the grain of millet beneath the millstone had thoughts, it would, doubtless, think that same thing which Jean Valjean thought.