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当然没有。Of course no.

我当然看好她。Of course Ido.

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当然我们会做。Of course we do.

四星期的课程?。Four-week course?

不,当然不介意.No,of course not.

当然我们要买了。Of course we buy.

不,当然没有。No. Of course not.

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当然年龄很小。Unaged, of course.

当然是A.3030的来福枪。A .3030, of course.

这是一门大补丸的课.It's a cake course.

理所当然你会有。Of course you have.

这是一门很难学的课程。It's a tough course.

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当然是导弹。Missiles, of course.

我固然会来。Of course I'll come.

浇灌高尔夫球场?Water a golf course?

当然,这是废话了。Poppycock, of course.

他那一科考试不及格。He flunked the course.

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当然我才是真的。Of course I'm the one.

但我们的“收文篮”当然是永远不会空的。Of course it never is.

那当然是一个籍口了!Of course it's a line!