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假设你在超市购物。Maybe you are at the supermarket.

超市就在校区里。The supermarket is on the campus.

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哦,有个网上虚拟超市?Oh, an on-line virtual supermarket?

这条街通向超级市场。The street leads to the supermarket.

黛丝在超级市场购买东西。Daisy buys things at the supermarket.

他的眼睛环视了一下超级市场。His eyes roved round the supermarket.

我开给城市超市的支票跳票了!My check to City Supermarket bounced!

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她在超级市场花了50元。She spent 50 yuan at the supermarket.

他在超市里大喊大叫。He started yelling in the supermarket.

我们坐公车去超市好吗?好的。Shall we go to the supermarket by bus?

超市里有一个布告。There was a notice in the supermarket.

我在超级市场看见简本人了。I saw Jane her'self in the supermarket.

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你现在在越西超级市场附近。Now you are at the Westover Supermarket.

我们走进三江超市。We walked into the Sanjiang Supermarket.

王太太正在超市买工具。Mrs. Wang is shopping at the supermarket.

鱼丸在中国超市有售。Buy fish balls in the Chinese supermarket.

琼斯先生负责管理这个超市。Mr.Jones is in charge of this supermarket.

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有几个男孩在超市偷东西。Some boys were thieving in the supermarket.

我们不能在超市来造人吧。We're not making a baby at the supermarket.

你与你的父母在一家超级市场。You are in a supermarket with your parents.