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但是,我是一个顽固后它的球迷。But, I'm a diehard Post-Its fan.

芒塔尔班是巴塞罗那的顽固热爱者,他还是一个左派人士。Vázquez Montalbán was a diehard Barcelona fan and leftist

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但是随后,一些顽固的苹果迷们带来恐怖气息,苹果大伤元气。But then, to the horror of its diehard fans, Apple withered.

最后,他们把但以理这一个忠心敬拜「自有永有」神的信徒召来。Finally they brought in a diehard worshiper of I am named Daniel.

加略特从没见过这个人,但这伙计——一个忠诚的创世纪游戏迷,却认得他。Garriott has never seen him before, but the dude—clearly a diehard Ultima fan—knows him.

噢哦,老天,外面真是太冷了,不过这句话并不适用于那些被称之为顽固的“冰水泳客”的莫斯科人。Oh Oh, baby, it's cold outside, but not for these diehard Muscovites known as 'Ice swimmers'.

财务隐患的积重难返是很多民营企业走向末路的主因。That financial risks diehard of many private enterprises is the main cause toward their dooms.

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在一股政治寒风的鼓动下,死硬的毛分子站出来与他们的批评者作对。Emboldened by a chill political wind, diehard Maoists in China are rising to confront their critics.

只有那些真正的死硬派嬉皮士才会用那些古老的厨房器具来处理家庭的日常杂务。Only real diehard hippies would use antique implements and appliances to tend to their daily chores.

得克萨斯州艾尔帕索的敢死队成员曼迪、雷巴、噜噜、莱辛以及昆汀欢聚一堂歌颂美国。Diehard activists Mandy, Reba, LuLu, Raisin, and Quentin of El Paso, Texas unite to celebrate America.

要感谢你有这么位朋友,否则,你y就是死硬的藏独愤青。You should thank your friend, otherwise, you idiot would just be a diehard Tibet Independent Movement nut.

但是我打赌,只有相对很小比例的观众是真正的赛马迷。But I would wager that a relatively small percentage of the crowd actually consists of diehard horse racing fans.

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他似乎已经吸取了教训,假装做一名坚定的社会保守主义者是错误的选择。He appears to have learnt that it is a mistake to pretend too hard to be the diehard social conservative he isn’t.

实际上这是一个非常好的想法,可以把偶尔的访客以及坚定的生存主义者都转变成在线活跃分子。This is actually a very good idea for converting both the causal visitor as well as the diehard survivalists into online activists.

剧中有数十个复杂的叙事线索和迷团需要收尾,一群铁杆剧迷也希望知道很多问题的答案。It has dozens of complicated plotlines and mysteries to wrap up, and a base of diehard fans who want answers to the show's many still open questions.

华尔街的众多顽固乐观主义者现在已经被打击得满地找牙了,但是那些还没倒下去的人则机巧地耍起了算术。MANY of the diehard optimists on Wall Street have been beaten to a pulp by now, but those still standing have fallen back on a nifty bit of calculus.

剧中有数十个复杂的叙事线索和迷团需要收尾,一群铁杆剧迷也希望知道很多问题的答案。It has dozens of complicated plotlines and mysteries to wrap up, and a base of diehard fans who want answers to the show's many still open questions.

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异样的,欧洲一体化的忠支持者也梦想将英国推向“外层欧洲”,从而能够设备一个以欧元利用国为中心的“内层欧洲”。Similarly diehard advocates of EU integration dream of shunting Britain into an outer core, and building a more regulated inner core based on the euro.

作为固定收益的死硬分子,格罗斯过去曾将债券和股票比作“油和水”的关系,还认为“股票投资者是天生的乐观主义者,而债券投资人则是悲观者”。One fixed-income diehard describes bonds and equities as “oil and water”, adding that “equities people are by nature optimists, bond people pessimists.”

乔丹的死忠们可要注意了,乔丹的这双鞋子已经在易趣上拍卖,鞋子上还有乔丹的本人的亲笔签名。For diehard fans of Michael Jordan who is also a brand ambassador for Nike's Jordon range, his pair of shoes with his autograph is up on eBay for auction.