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脓毒症是常见的危重病。Sepsis is one of common critical diseases.

脓毒病和出血造成了大量的死亡。Sepsis and bleeding caused numerous deaths.

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脓毒症和肺部感染是其主要致病因素。Sepsis and pneumonia were the most common risk factors.

严重脓毒症及感染性休克时是否需用皮质醇?Is cortisol necessary for severe sepsis or septic shock?

这就是在脓毒症中产生问题的反应过程。It is that phenomenon that causes the problem in sepsis.

脓毒症患者血糖的变异性和致命性。Glucose variability and mortality in patients with sepsis.

肺炎球菌会引发肺炎,脑膜炎和败血症。Pneumococcal disease causes pneumonia, meningitis and sepsis.

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出现严重感染或脓毒症应该中断治疗。Treatment should be discontinued for serious infection or sepsis.

粒性白细胞-革兰氏阴性脓毒症病人使用。Granulocytes--to transfuse to patient who has gram negative sepsis.

严重感染时,器官中谷氨酰胺代谢发生显著改变。Sepsis causes marked derangements in the flow of glutamine among organs.

所有病例均死于严重败血症及多脏器功能衰竭。All patients were dead of severe sepsis and multiple system organ failure.

严重败血症是否与新发房颤和卒中相关?Is Severe Sepsis Associated With New-Onset Atrial Fibrillation and Stroke?

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重症脓毒症与脓毒症性休克是常见的临床危重疾病。Severe sepsis and septic shock are common diseases in critically ill patients.

败血症是第二大常见的孕产妇死亡原因。Sepsis – a very severe infection – is the second most frequent cause of maternal death.

本文就乌司他丁在脓毒症时的脏器保护作用的研究作一综述。This review emphasizes the beneficial effect of ulinastatin on multiple organs in sepsis.

更常见的情况是,病人在ICU时因低血压和脓毒症而继发肾衰。More often, patients develop renal failure in the ICU secondary to hypotension and sepsis.

脓毒血症是一种严重的炎症性疾病,是由机体对感染的过度反应所致。Sepsis is a serious inflammatory condition, caused by the body over-reacting to infection.

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在此,我们报告一个五个月婴儿以败血症表现的无破裂阑尾炎案例。We report a 5-month-old infant with non-perforated appendicitis who presented with sepsis.

两组都没有出现二重感染,包括败血症和脓毒性休克。However, there were more episodes of superinfection , including new sepsis and septic shock.

另一个典型的组合是DKA合并脱水,及因肺炎或败血症导致的换气功能增强。Another typical combination is DKA, dehydration, and hyperventilation from pneumonia or sepsis.