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这些猛犸的尸体发现地点散在于西伯利亚。The bodies of these mammoths were found throughout a wide swathe of northern Siberia.

通过这条接近10千米长0.5千米宽遭到破坏的范围可以看到这次龙卷风的路径。The tornado's progress can be seen in a swathe of destruction nearly 10km long and 0.5km wide.

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这情况会维持多久要看众多的不确定因素而定,其中有部分因素未来一周可能会明朗化.How long this remains the case will depend on a broad swathe of unknowns, some of which may become clearer in the week ahead.

毫无疑问这片曾被罗马人称作贝尔格部族占据的狭长国土还能产生更过的好东西。No doubt more good things can come out of the swathe of territory once occupied by a tribe known to the Romans as the Belgae.

这些剑士们为超重装步兵,几乎可将任何敌军部队砍杀得血肉横飞。Zweihanders are very heavily armoured foot troops who can cut a bloody swathe through nearly all infantry they will encounter.

这些剑士们为超重装步兵,几乎可将任何敌军部队砍杀得血肉横飞。Zweihänders are very heavily armoured foot troops who can cut a bloody swathe through nearly all infantry they will encounter.

在城镇和村庄,跨越大片四川,心rending场面发挥出作为悲痛受灾家庭寻找失踪的亲人。In towns and villages across a swathe of Sichuan, heart-rending scenes were played out as grief-stricken families searched for missing loved ones.

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这幅图里有一个“牛舌头”形状的虚线圈表示南中国海一直延伸到马来西亚婆罗洲的大片区域都属于中国。The map includes a thick 'cow-tongue' shaped dotted line that claims for China a wide swathe of the South China Sea, reaching down towards Malaysian Borneo.

遗憾的是,他开出的山路方位不对,一道不可逾越的密林使他无法抵达于斜坡的底端。Unfortunately, the path hadn't been cut in quite the right direction, and a swathe of dense, impassable forest separated Whitely from the bottom of the ledge.

地震引发了强烈海啸,仙台市出现高达10米巨浪,电视画面显示,毯状巨浪将建筑及残骸卷入水中,冲向大片沿岸农田。A 10-meter tsunami washed the port in Sendai city. TV images showed a vast wall of water carrying buildings and debris across a large swathe of coastal farmland.

电视画面显示在仙台市附近一家沿海农场,海啸中掺杂着碎片滚滚扑来,同时火势也在蔓延。TV footage showed a muddy wall of water carrying debris across a large swathe of coastal farmland near the city of Sendai, which has a population of one million.

王府井商业区以东,推平了大片胡同与老四合院,诞生了金宝街这条金光大道。Jinbao Street is an avenue created after the destruction of a swathe of alleyways and traditional courtyard housing just east of the Wangfujing shopping district.

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她赢得了巴黎二十个县当中的十一个,而在法国中部与西南部的一大块地域中她也获胜,还获得许多郊区工薪阶层的支持。She came top in 11 of the 20 arrondissements of Paris, as well as in a large swathe of central and south-western France, and in many of the working-class banlieues.

现我厂扩展业务范围,承接各种出口订单,OEM订单,国内销售,木质、柳质包装品及批以零售等业务。Now the company have expanded the scope of business, being able to undertake export orders, OEM orders, domestic sales, wooden and willow swathe and retail business etc.

中国最早在2011年开始对冰岛产生兴趣,当时,一名中国地产大亨试图在冰岛北部地区买下一大片地,开发旅游项目。China's interest in Iceland came to the fore in 2011 when a Chinese property tycoon tried to buy a large swathe of land in the north of the country for a tourism project.

河鼠爬进他的床铺,用毯子把自己紧紧裹住,立刻沉入了梦乡的怀抱,就像一行大麦落进了收割机的怀抱一样。He clambered into his bunk and rolled himself well up in the blankets, and slumber gathered him forthwith, as a swathe of barley is folded into the arms of the reaping machine.

旱灾是六十年来最严重的许多领域,并留下了粮食生产从没有任何明显降雨缫丝在三个月以上的地区裹。The drought is the worst in six decades in many areas, and has left a swathe of grain-producing regions reeling from a lack of any significant rainfall in more than three months.

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今年早些时候,正当人们回乡之际,由于遭受反常的冬季暴风雪的袭击,春运更显混乱,全国一大片地区备受其苦。Earlier this year, the chaos was compounded dramaticallyby freak winter ice storms that spread misery across a huge swathe of the country just as the migration was getting under way.

卡梅伦许诺了新的安全措施,包括对监督英国人的通信和线上活动上的更大的权利,而批评人士称之为“陈词滥调”。Cameron has promised a swathe of new security measures, including more powers to monitor Briton's communications and online activity in what critics have dubbed a "snoopers' charter".

换句话说,施奈德等人研究的对象是那些没有将交易业务和收入上报政府的大小公司企业、医生、承包商、保姆、食品杂货商等等。That means basically small and large businesses, doctors, contractors, nannies, grocers, and others from a broad swathe of the economy who choose not to report income and transactions.