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经常运动锻炼,可延缓衰老。Frequent exercising can defer the decrepitude.

芬利相对就预示着逐渐衰老的马刺。Finley's relative decrepitude bodes ill for the Spurs.

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面部衰老首先是因为面部软组织下垂。The face decrepitude is because descensus of facial soft tissue.

现代医学证明,它还可以起到延缓皮肤衰老的作用。Being proved by modern medical research, it also helps to delay the decrepitude of skin.

什么是中年妇女的需要,以维持其青年和注定衰老?What do the middleaged women need in order to maintain their youth and doomed decrepitude ?

研究显示,辅酶Q10的缺乏是导致衰老的重要原因。Some researches have shown that the lack of co-enzyme Q10 is the major cause of decrepitude.

要保住青春,延缓衰老,人到中年的女人需要什么呢?What do the middle-aged women need in order to maintain their youth and doomed decrepitude ?

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因为人类总是抱着过去的旧思想加速着他们的衰老过程。Be-cause man hastens decrepitude and decay by holding the thought of old age always before him.

如果提供的是衰老、年迈的想法,那你就会发现这台车一路颠簸、逐渐慢下来,停在你自己设定的终点上。Feed it thoughts of decrepitude and age, and you will find it slowing down to the halting pace you set for it.

青春的风采也仍在跟堕落与贫苦所招致的老丑作斗争。The grace of her age was still struggling against the hideous, premature decrepitude of debauchery and poverty.

通过第一次收花率、生育期、营养生长期与生殖生长期比较等性状总结了我国短季棉早熟性育种的成效。The problem of earliness with decrepitude has worse effect on the yield in the short-season cotton in our country.

面对这个刚丧偶的寡妇病人,我以为她的生命只留下悲伤和衰老,并因此感到很难过。With this newly widowed patient I imagined that only a life of sadness and decrepitude remained, and I felt bad about it.

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由于人体衰老的原因在于“肾气衰”,则养生的一个基本原则为保养肾精。Since the cause of decrepitude is due to deficiency of kidney-qi, the basic law of health preservation is to reinforce it.

人按DNA孕育、出生、成长、成熟、疾病、衰老到死亡都是由什么决定的呢?The person presses DNA to conceive, be born, grow up, the maturity, disease and decrepitude arrive to die all from what decide of?

结果期黄瓜植株抗寒能力明显下降,可能与植株衰老、代谢机能衰退有关。The anti-cold ability of the cucumber plant during the fruit period decreased obviously, which probably related to plant decrepitude.

天麻抗衰老和促进学习记忆的作用与其神经保护作用密切相关。The effects of Gastrodia elata on preventing decrepitude and advancing memory are closely associated with its neuroprotective activity.

在墨尔本一座美丽的建筑意味着要有畅通的街巷、美丽的拱廊和正面,许多这类建筑都是在19世纪建造的,并且现在看起来显得很破旧。In Melbourne that also means good lanes, arcades and frontages, many of which were built in the 19th century and had fallen into decrepitude.

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它们的活性随增龄而下降,因此自由基不断损伤细胞结构,累积最终导致细胞衰亡和动物机体衰老。Therefore, the accumulation of damages of cell structures that made by free radicals resulted in withering of cells and decrepitude of animal organisms.

番茄红素是一种天然类胡萝卜素,它具有防癌抗癌,提高免疫力,延缓衰老等多种保健功能。Lycopene is a kind of natural carotenoid, it has the function of various health cares, such as resisting cancer, increasing the immunity and defering decrepitude etc.

天然维生素E可增强体力及耐抗力,中老年人常吃玉米及其花丝食品可延缓衰老。The natural vitamin E can strengthen physical strength and bear resistance, middle age and old people's often eating corn and its filament food can defer decrepitude.